


[Solved] Struggling to get gzip working with compress or deflate module

Added by surjitsidhu over 5 years ago

Good day,

I'm writing this message to ask for help about to enable gzip compress on Lighttpd 1.4.49
I have attached config out of ./lighttpd -p -f lighttpd.conf

I have compiled Lighttpd 1.4.49 from source by following command and OS is Ubuntu 16.04
scons -j 4 build_static=1 build_dynamic=0 with_openssl=1 prefix=/usr install

Please help to find out what I'm missing that preventing gzip compression not working


o.conf (32 KB) o.conf config out ./lighttpd -p -f lighttpd.conf

Replies (2)

RE: Struggling to get gzip working with compress or deflate module - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

Looks fine. Check what your browser is sending. Is it sending Accept-Encoding: gzip? What is the Content-Type in the response headers, and are those listed in compress.filetypes?

RE: Struggling to get gzip working with compress or deflate module - Added by surjitsidhu over 5 years ago

Thanks, I got it fixed by compiling using make file
