


How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon.

Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

After we upgraded lighttpd from 1.4.45 to 1.4.47 or 49 or 50 version, we found an issue.

it could not be started by start-sop-daemon when we execute /etc/init.d/lighttpd start
It shows error "daemonized server failed to start"

However, it could be started by systemctl start lighttpd

Our OS is CentOS7

Below is our init script


# Provides:          Web Server
# Required-Start:    networking
# Required-Stop:     networking
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Lighttpd Web Server
# Description:       Web service to serve static files and proxy

DESC="Lighttpd Web Server" 
OPTS="-f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" 


    if lsof -t -i:${PORT} 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then
        kill $(lsof -t -i:${PORT}) > /dev/null 2>&1

    if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
        PIDDIR=/proc/$(cat $PIDFILE)
        if [ -d ${PIDDIR} ]; then
            echo "$DESC already running." 
            echo "Removing stale PID file $PIDFILE" 
            rm -f $PIDFILE

    echo -n "Checking scratch filesystem..." 
    let -i COUNT=0
    while [ ! -e /scratch ]
       if [ $COUNT -ge 15 ]
           echo "failed to find /scratch." 
           exit -1
       let COUNT=COUNT+1
       sleep 1

    echo -n "Mounting scratch filesystem to chroot tmp..." 
    umount /www/tmp >& /dev/null
    rm -r /scratch/lighttpd >& /dev/null
    mkdir -p /scratch/lighttpd
    mount --bind /scratch/lighttpd /www/tmp/
    chown www /www/tmp/

    echo -n "Starting $DESC..." 

    start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile ${PIDFILE} -x "$DAEMON" -- $OPTS
    if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "done." 
        echo "failed." 

    if [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; then return; fi

    echo -n "Stopping $DESC..." 

    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile ${PIDFILE} -x "$DAEMON" 
    if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "done." 
        echo "failed." 
    rm -f $PIDFILE
    echo -n "Unmounting scratch filesystem from chroot tmp..." 
    umount /www/tmp

    pid=`cat $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null`
    if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
        if ps -p $pid &>/dev/null ; then
            echo "$DESC is running" 
    echo "$DESC is not running" 

case "$1" in
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|force-reload|restart|reload|status}" 

exit $RETVAL

Replies (17)

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by jbaans over 5 years ago

Hi fellow lighttpd user,

You might want to check your logs for related error messages, and check your config with

sudo lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

Thanks for you kind help first!
Actually, in our project, I just upgrade lighttpd from 1.4.45 to 47, 49 or 50 version.
Then find this issue.

However, I find the log is very limited in below place.
1) var/log/lighttpd/ this folder is empty
2) var/log/lighttpd-access.log & var/log/lighttpd-error.log

Do you know how to enable more detail log of lighttpd, so that I can debug why it failed to start when I used latest version instead of old one?

Actually, we have some patch based on lighttpd.spec file, I also rebase it to latest version.
(It can work in 1.4.45)

such as:

+Source102: index.html.lighttpd
+Source103: lighttpd.conf
+Source104: lighttpd-inc.conf
+Source105: lighttpd.logrotate
+Source106: lighttpd-csr.conf

 %configure \
     --libdir='%{_libdir}/lighttpd' \
     %{confswitch mysql} \
-    %{confswitch ldap} \
+    --without-ldap \
     %{confswitch attr} \
-    %{confswitch openssl} \
+    --with-openssl \
     %{confswitch kerberos5} \
-    %{confswitch pcre} \
+    --with-pcre \
     %{confswitch fam} \
-    %{?with_webdavprops:--with-webdav-props} \
-    %{?with_webdavlocks:--with-webdav-locks} \
+    --without-webdav-props \
+    --without-webdav-locks \
     %{confswitch gdbm} \
-    %{confswitch memcache} \
-    %{confswitch lua} \
+    --without-memcache \
+    --without-lua \
+    --without-bzip2 \
+    --disable-static \

+install -d ${CONFDIR}/ssl
+install -d ${ROOTDIR}/pages/dav
+install -m 0640 %{SOURCE103} ${CONFDIR}/lighttpd.conf
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE104} ${CONFDIR}/lighttpd-inc.conf
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE102} ${ROOTDIR}/pages/index.html
+install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d
+install -m 644 %{SOURCE105} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/lighttpd
+chmod 02770 %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/lighttpd

@@ -301,11 +326,8 @@ fi
 %config %{_sysconfdir}/lighttpd/conf.d/mod.template
 %config %{_sysconfdir}/lighttpd/vhosts.d/vhosts.template
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/lighttpd
-%if %{with systemd}

+%dir /www/pages/

Thanks again!

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by jbaans over 5 years ago


server.modules         += ( "mod_accesslog" )
accesslog.use-syslog    = "enable" 

restart lighttpd and check out syslog (for systemd) with
journalctl -r

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

I have changed lighttpd.conf as you mentioned.
Unfortunately, it did not work. I could not find any information related to lighttpd by Journalctl -r

In our project, we need start lighttpd in init.d/lighttpd script
In this script, it starts lighttpd as below.

start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile ${PIDFILE} -x "$DAEMON" -- $OPTS

BTW, I can start it through

systemctl start lighttpd

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

/etc/init.d# sudo ./lighttpd start
Checking scratch filesystem...Mounting scratch filesystem to chroot tmp...Starting Lighttpd Web Server...daemonized server failed to start; check error log for details

Still could not find where I can check valid log.

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by jbaans over 5 years ago

It seems your line

start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile ${PIDFILE} x "$DAEMON" - $OPTS

is malformed, double check this.
Note: This may be because of copy pasting here, please use < pre > tags.

Secondly, I don't understand why you are using start-stop-daemon, as your system has systemd installed. Or why both services are installed simultaneously anyway. Systemd replaces the former. Did you recently do a large upgrade?

Lastly, your logs should be in /var/log/. Try /var/log/messages. Or run dmesg.

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

no valid log find in /var/log actually.

Now I know that it failed in server.c

static int daemonize(void)
   if (bytes <= 0) {
            /* closed fd (without writing) == failure in grandchild */
            fputs("daemonized server failed to start; check error log for details\n", stderr);

I see too big gap between 1.4.45 and 1.4.50 for server.c
Not sure what can make it will fail here.

I just doubt, for 1.4.45, may be we not enter this function for daemonize. I'm still checking on this point.


RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

Hi jbaans,

I found some cue now.
Actually, the log is in /www/var/log/lighttpd-error.log
From log, it always shows below, this is the direct cause!!

2018-09-09 01:48:37: (server.c.790) opening /dev/null failed: No such file or directory
2018-09-09 01:48:37: (server.c.1447) Opening errorlog failed. Going down.

However, I still need to check why this error take place in 1.4.50. below is the related code for both.

In 1.4.50

  in log_error_open() ==> 
    else if (!srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize) {
        /* move STDERR_FILENO to /dev/null */
        if (-1 == (errfd = fdevent_open_devnull())) {               
            log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss",
                            "opening /dev/null failed:", strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        ==> fdevent_open_cloexec("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0);
        ==> int fd = open(pathname, flags | O_NOCTTY, mode);

In 1.4.45

   in log_error_open() ==> openDevNull(STDERR_FILENO); ==> open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);

Thanks for your help!

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by jbaans over 5 years ago

Please post your lighttpd config.
This says you have /dev/null defined for log location (discards) which should work.

Also /dev/null is not accessible. That's an OS problem. Perhaps bad permissions?

echo Hello > /dev/null

work without throwing errors?


ls -la /dev/null

show rw permissions for everyone?

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

This 2 commands can work.
As we can access /dev/null

controller-0:/www$ ls
pages  tmp  var

When I copy dev/null to
/www/dev/null and chmod 777
no issue found anymore. lighttpd can started normally

However, I still not find the root cause and fix.
why it not take place in 1.4.45.

I attached several configuration files

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

In server.c of 1.4.50
I can see that in

static int server_main (server * const srv, int argc, char **argv) {

     around line 1115, here open devnull should be OK,

          /* close stdin and stdout, as they are not needed */
        struct stat st;
        int devnull;
        int errfd;
        do {
            /* coverity[overwrite_var : FALSE] */
            devnull = fdevent_open_devnull();   //call for the first time
              #ifdef __COVERITY__
        } while (-1 != devnull && devnull <= STDERR_FILENO);   

     then, go to around line  1439
             if (!srv->srvconf.preflight_check) {
        if (-1 == log_error_open(srv)) {     //call fdevent_open_devnull for the second time
log_error_open will call below. My confusion is why here fdevent_open_devnull function called for the second time, and failed.
   else if (!srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize) {
        /* move STDERR_FILENO to /dev/null */
        if (-1 == (errfd = fdevent_open_devnull())) {    
            log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss",
                            "opening /dev/null failed:", strerror(errno));
            return -1;

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

can I remove the code that call fdevent_open_devnull() for the first time?
I see it is not called in 1.4.45

Not sure if the close function is not called after first open function was called, then call open function for the second time.
Or do you have any other proposal?


RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

I have found the root cause, not sure if it is potential issue for lighttpd.
Actually, this issue exist in lighttpd1.4.45 as well.
1) For 1.4.45
in log_error_open(), it will call below
else if (!srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize) {
/* move stderr to /dev/null */
openDevNull(STDERR_FILENO); //It will not check return value

2) For 1.4.47+
in log_erorr_open(),
else if (!srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize) {
/* move STDERR_FILENO to /dev/null */
if (-1 == (errfd = fdevent_open_devnull())) { //here, it will check return value.
log_error_write(srv, FILE, LINE, "ss",
"opening /dev/null failed:", strerror(errno));
return -1;
Actually, for both versions, it will return -1 for fdevent_open_devnull() from debug log.But old version ,it will has no impact
Not sure why this call here could not return OK. Need lighttpd expert further check if there is any potential bug here .


RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

Actually, the log is in /www/var/log/lighttpd-error.log

2018-09-09 01:48:37: (server.c.790) opening /dev/null failed: No such file or directory

When I copy dev/null to
/www/dev/null and chmod 777
no issue found anymore. lighttpd can started normally

    echo -n "Mounting scratch filesystem to chroot tmp..." 
    umount /www/tmp >& /dev/null
    rm -r /scratch/lighttpd >& /dev/null
    mkdir -p /scratch/lighttpd
    mount --bind /scratch/lighttpd /www/tmp/
    chown www /www/tmp/

Pretty obvious that there is a chroot involved somewhere, perhaps to /www since the lighttpd error log showed up in /www/var/log/lighttpd-error.log, and you have not configured /dev/null in that chroot environment, hence the error "No such file or directory".

What I do not understand is why, after almost 3 weeks, you think it might be a bug in lighttpd, instead of the very clear error message: "No such file or directory". "No such file or directory" actually means "No such file or directory".

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

Hi gstrauss,

Thanks for your reply!
I can see that we set chroot in config file.
  1. chroot() to directory (default: no chroot() )
    server.chroot = "/www"

By default, no chroot. However, if customer set chroot to their own one, do they still need to configure dev/null by themselves?
Is it possible to let lighttpd itself to configure dev/null under server.chroot, if server.chroot configured by customer.


RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

lighttpd supports doing chroot after lighttpd initial setup with server.chroot, if lighttpd is started as root.

If your init script chroots prior to starting lighttpd, then you are responsible for providing the contents of the chroot environment.

You do not seem to know much about chroot environments. I suggest you do some reading on the internet.

RE: How to debug lighttpd could not be started by start-stop-daemon. - Added by zhipengl over 5 years ago

As you can see, in my attached init script, it do not do chroot, right?

