


[UE] Running cgi script for prefix

Added by matwey about 5 years ago


I am running lighttpd 1.4.45 on Linux system.

I need to migrate very legacy configuration from Apache web server:

<Directory "/path">
    Script PUT /cgi-bin/script.cgi

This runs cgi script script.cgi for PUT requests on URLs prefixed with /path. I.e. every PUT request to ends with running the cgi script.

Currently, I managed to have the following lighttpd configuration:

        $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin" {
                cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )

        $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/path" {
                $HTTP["request-method"] =~ "^PUT$" {
                        url.rewrite-once += ( "^/path(.*)" => "/cgi-bin/script.cgi" )

My issue is the following: PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable is empty in the cgi script which is relied upon it existence. I suppose that my mod_rewrite approach is the wrong way to achieve the goal. Could you please advice me what I am doing wrong?

Replies (5)

RE: Running cgi script for prefix - Added by gstrauss about 5 years ago

lighttpd $HTTP["url"] =~ "..." is similar to Apache <Location ~ ...>, not <Directory ...> so please check that.

PATH_TRANSLATED is set for CGI scripts only in the presence of PATH_INFO. If you're not seeing PATH_TRANSLATED, then there was no PATH_INFO.

You should probably fix your script to work with the CGI variables available for the request you are making.

RE: Running cgi script for prefix - Added by matwey about 5 years ago

Will rewrite-once set correct PATH_INFO for me?

RE: Running cgi script for prefix - Added by matwey about 5 years ago

There is no PATH_INFO at all.

RE: Running cgi script for prefix - Added by gstrauss about 5 years ago

Methinks you need to spend some time on some internet search engines to
a) understand what PATH_INFO is and when it is present (and when it is not present)
b) modify your test URL to include a path that will turn into PATH_INFO (and also PATH_TRANSLATED)
c) test

(Hint: this isn't the forum to teach you the basics of CGI. You're going to be very disappointed if you haven't figured that out yet.)

I suggest you start with a basic "Hello World!" CGI script which prints the environment, and access it through lighttpd. Make small changes and test after each small change.

echo "Status: 200" 
echo "Content-Type: text/plain
echo "Hello World!" 
env | sort