


[Webdav] 0 Byte files in lighttpd version 1.4.54

Added by ZHN almost 5 years ago


After upgrading my lighttpd webdav server to version 1.4.54 small files (less than around 90KB) are stored as 0 byte files.

System used:
- Raspberry Pi
- 4.19.50-1-ARCH armv7l
- lighttpd version 1.4.54

Webdav Config:

# Webdav server modules
server.modules += (

# Webdav url
alias.url = ( "/webdav" => "/srv/http/folder/webdav" )

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webdav($|/)" {
    webdav.activate = "enable" = "disable" 

    dir-listing.activate = "enable" 

    webdav.sqlite-db-name = "/var/run/lighttpd/lighttpd.webdav_lock.db" 

    auth.backend = "htpasswd" 
    auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/srv/http/folder/passwd.dav" 
    auth.require = ( "" => ( "method" => "basic",
                             "realm" => "webdav",
                             "require" => "valid-user" ) )

Clients used:
- WinSCP-5.15.2-Portable
- Enpass 6.1.0

Another issue I step into: directories and files are not shown in WinSCP with lighttpd version 1.4.54.

Workaround: Downgrading to lighttpd version 1.4.53 solves the 0 byte files issue and problems with WinSCP.

I thought it would have something todo with "List of additional options to configure mod_webdav. Versions of mod_webdav earlier than 1.4.54 were not RFC compliant and permitted partial PUT, which is unsafe. In lighttpd 1.4.54, this is disabled by default, and the unsafe behavior can be enabled with the following option, provided for backwards compatibilty." But adding "webdav.opts = ( "deprecated-unsafe-partial-put" => "enable" )" to the config and reloading lighttpd didn't change anything.

Does anyone has an idea how to resolve these issues?

Replies (1)

RE: [Webdav] 0 Byte files in lighttpd version 1.4.54 - Added by gstrauss almost 5 years ago

Sorry. There's a bug in mod_webdav in lighttpd 1.4.54 affecting startup. There is a patch in #2958. Please let us know if the patch solves your issue. The patch will be part of lighttpd 1.4.55.

Thank you for asking a good question with detailed config information and observations.
