# 1.4.41 2016-07-31 * Feature #678: $SERVER["socket"] to bind to IPv6 by default * Bug #1844: Serious security problem in Digest Authentication * Bug #2724: security: stat cache *very large* race condition if caching when follow_symlink disabled * Bug #2725: server.groupname not required with server.username * Bug #2735: lighttpd 1.4.40 compilation fails on illumos (OpenIndiana) * Bug #2737: 1.4.40 compiling issuses on Debian Wheezy * Bug #2738: mediawiki redirect loop if REQUEST_URI not orig req in 1.4.40 * Bug #2739: mod_accesslog crashes in v1.4.40 for specified format %T * Bug #2740: mod_status with "?auto" modifier not showing keep-alive (k) status on Scoreboard * Bug #2741: Compile error: undefined reference to `clock_gettime' * Bug #2742: Assert wrongly triggered in buffer_copy_string_hex()