


using authorizer to protect scripts

Added by savages almost 15 years ago

I want to replace apache2 mod_python program with lighttpd fastcgi, flup. I have authorization to the static pages and the python scripts in apache. I want to duplicate that in lighttpd.

the directory structure is

pc/<static files>
pypc/<python scripts>

  1. Apache Config
    ScriptAliasMatch ^/pc/(.*)\.pc /var/www/pypc/$
    Alias /pc /var/www/pc
    <Directory /var/www/pc>
    DirectoryIndex login.xml
    PythonAcessHandler checkp
    <Directory /var/www/pypc>
    PythonHandler pc
    PythonAcessHandler checkp

I am try to create something similar for lighttpd

  1. need help here:
  2. if try to access static and not authorized send login.xml
  3. if try to access script and not authorized send 403, default of
  4. static page use /avr/www/pc else if script use /av/www/pypc
  5. authorized use a session HMAC cookie

I am trying to setup the fastcgi.server now, the configuration is = ("index.html", "login.xml", "") = ( ".pc" => "python")

url.rewrite-once = (
IF AUTHORZIED "^/pc/(.*)$" => "/pc/pc.xml", # static working in page
IF NOT AUTHORIZED "^/pc/(.*)$ => "/pc/login.xml" # static login page
"^/pc/(.*)$.pc" => "/pypc/pc.pc") # python script entry point
fastcgi.server = (
"/pc" =>
( "access" =>
"socket" => "/var/www/run/pcaccess.sock",
#"host" => "localhost",
#"port" => 4001,
"max-procs" => 1,
"check-local" => "disable",
"docroot" => "/var/www/config",
"mode" => "authorizer",
"bin-path" => "/var/www/pypc/",
#fastcgi.server = (
".pc" =>
( "pc" =>
"socket" => "/var/www/run/py.sock",
#"host" => "localhost",
#"port" => 4000,
#"min-procs" => 1,
"max-procs" => 1,
"bin-path" => "/var/www/pypc/",
"check-local" => "disable",
It does not work,

thanx in advance
Very Lost