


[Solved] rewrite with redirect issue

Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

I'm using url.rewrite-once to have "^/favicon.png$" => "/media/favicon.png"
It works fine with http to request http://hostname/favicon.png, but when using url.redirect from http to https "^/(.*)" => "https://hostname/$1"
It has a request from http://hostname/favicon.png go to https://hostname/media/favicon.png
I also use webpy with fastcgi and when going to http://hostname/ip it redirects to https://hostname/ which gives a "not found", same issue.

Replies (11)

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

If you want redirects to take place before rewrites, then list "mod_redirect" before "mod_rewrite" in server.modules.

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

Looks like it is, I didn't change anything, and I am still having the issue. Tried to swap it just to see, and still happening.

server.modules = (
#  "mod_auth",
#  "mod_authn_file",
#  "mod_evasive",
#  "mod_setenv",
#  "mod_usertrack",

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

That snippet of your config is not very helpful.

I just looked through the code and mod_rewrite handles the URI earlier than mod_redirect, so the order does not matter. My mistake.

If you don't want certain URI's rewritten, the you'll have to match those in a condition and redirect those. Alternatively, create a condition to match just the URIs that you want to rewrite, and redirect the rest.

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

I want everything to redirect to https, just want it to rewrite exactly how it is with http (which is working).
/media/ and / shouldn't even come up to the user. Thats why I did:

url.rewrite-once = (
  "^/favicon.png$" => "/media/favicon.png",
  "^/(.*)$" => "/$1",

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { ... then redirect to https } else { ...rewrite }

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

I'm trying so hard to figure this out, but I'm still having the same result.

$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" {
  url.redirect = (
    "^/favicon.png$" => "https://hostname/favicon.png",                
    "^/media/(.*)" => "https://hostname/media/$1",
    "^/(.*)" => "https://hostname/$1" 
} else {
  url.rewrite-once = (
    "^/favicon.png$" => "/media/favicon.png",                                  
    "^/media/(.*)" => "/media/$1",
    "^/(.*)" => "/$1",

RE: rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

My mistake, sorry for wasting your time.
I forgot I still had url.rewrite-once within my fastcgi.conf, it must be being called first.
Issue solved, everything works with the example above.

RE: [Solved] rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

For anyone attempting to do this, within url.redirect

"^/(.*)" => "https://hostname/$1"

works quite well by itself.

RE: [Solved] rewrite with redirect issue - Added by gstrauss over 5 years ago

$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" {
  url.redirect = ( "" => "https://${uri.authority}${uri.path}${qsa}" )
} else {
  url.rewrite-once = (
    "^/media/" => "",
    "^/favicon.png$" => "/media/favicon.png",          
    "" => "/${uri.path}${qsa}",

RE: [Solved] rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

Oh neat, thx for that, I was trying to do "https://%0$0" but it wasn't working for me.

RE: [Solved] rewrite with redirect issue - Added by skinniepuppie over 5 years ago

I'm having a slight issue with using both the redirect and rewrite in that example, but when I use one or the other it works fine.
Maybe it's just chrome bugging out on me, but I have been clearing the cache in chrome://net-internals each time I restart lighttpd.
