


[WAD] WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53

Added by nickrickard over 3 years ago

I currently have a folder www/webdav containing:
DirectoryC => /symlink/to/somewhere
DirectoryD => /another/symlink

With lighttpd versions up to and including 1.4.53 then if I go to then I see:


and can access, navigate, and read and write through all those directories. There is no discernable difference to the user between the real directories and the symlinked ones.

But from lighttpd v1.4.54 onwards, my understanding is the WebDAV behaviour has changed. (It's in the changelogs, I'm testing my understanding not criticising.) So now when I go to I only see:


The symlink ones are not visible. If I add:

alias.url += ("/DirectoryC" => "/home/the/actual/location")

then going directly to allows me to access. But DirectoryC does not show up in the higher level listing unlike it v1.4.53 and earlier.

Firstly, is my understanding correct or have I missed a config setting / documentation? Secondly, is there a way I can restore the behaviour to have all the directories listed and visible under ?

Replies (5)

RE: WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53 - Added by gstrauss over 3 years ago

In the release candidate for lighttpd 1.4.56 (not yet released)

webdav.opts = ("unsafe-propfind-follow-symlink" => "enable")

Please read the commit message for 6bf0b577 and note the additional requirement webdav.is_readonly = "enable"

This is documented in mod_webdav documentation.

RE: WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53 - Added by nickrickard over 3 years ago

Thanks. I saw this but assumed this would make the symlink read-only, given it has to be used in conjunction with webdav.is_readonly = "enable". Whereas I currently (under v.1.4.53) have read and write access.

Is there a way I can maintain the current arrangement, please?

RE: WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53 - Added by gstrauss over 3 years ago

Is there a way I can maintain the current arrangement, please?

If you read the documentation to which I pointed you and read the commit message to which I pointed you, then you would already know that the answer is "No". Please see the aforementioned documentation, which includes suggested alternatives, and please do not ask me to read the documentation to you again.

RE: WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53 - Added by nickrickard over 3 years ago

Okay. I had read the documentation and not seen a solution that met my use case but I'd hoped that I'd missed something (eg a bug/commit that was being worked through to restore the previous functionality) which was why I raised the question. Thanks for being clear.

RE: WebDAV symlinks with versions after 1.4.53 - Added by gstrauss over 3 years ago

For the record, the documentation details why the use case that you presented is unsafe, and the (partial) compatibility option in lighttpd-1.4.56 is named "unsafe-propfind-follow-symlink". Its name is not an accident.
