# 1.4.23 2009-06-19 "Leaving the nest" * Feature #296: Can't use cronolog with server.errorlog * Feature #357: Patch: Set CGI var SERVER_SOFTWARE to server.tag * Bug #416: lighttpd fails to start for a non-root user with gid 0 * Feature #615: mod_ssi has a hardcoded MIME type. * Bug #729: Incorrect PATH_INFO when FastCGI is serving "/" * Bug #753: Repeated headers produce 400 Bad Request * Feature #1070: Huge memory allocation using SSL with webdav * Feature #1438: request: silent option for mod_evasive * Feature #1439: request: ip banning options for mod_evasive * Feature #1447: TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT * Feature #1458: Several listing enhancements * Feature #1537: mod_proxy + ipv6 * Feature #1545: Make mod_extforward headers configurable * Feature #1605: patch for dirlisting.extra-head confvar * Feature #1704: Set FCGI var SERVER_SOFTWARE to server.tag * Bug #1713: mod_ssi PRINTENV does not print environment variables * Feature #1737: PATCH: Allow FQDN in mod_evhost path-pattern * Feature #1740: remoteip support for mod_magnet * Feature #1788: mod_rrdtool should init db if file is empty * Feature #1875: New manpages for lighttpd and spawn-fcgi. * Bug #1881: max_keep_alive_requests could not depend on URI * Bug #1907: man-page lighttpd.1 incomplete * Bug #1909: code-comments in src/mod_auth.c incomplete * Bug #1918: Lighttpd causes high load * Bug #1923: Compilation on AIX * Feature #1929: Use xattr to override mime type in configuration. * Bug #1932: need configure.in cleanup (target lighttpd.1 has been failed without ./autogen.sh) * Bug #1941: [PATCH] Adding support for additional characters in LDAP user names * Bug #1942: remove link from errormsg about fastcgi apps * Bug #1946: Enabling server.kbytes-per-second disables max-read/write-idle * Bug #1948: mod_indexfiles is used twice instead of mod_indexfile, which might lead to errors or confusion * Bug #1955: SConstruct file * Bug #1964: Date previous than 1970 make lighttpd take 100% cpu * Bug #1968: Delimiting colon, ':', remains when stripping port for SERVER_NAME * Bug #1970: mod_fastcgi.c x-send-file sets incorrect Content-Length on 2GB+ files * Bug #1978: mod_expire sends incorrect max-age when using mtime * Feature #1984: Adding mod_cache to lighttpd 1.4.xx * Feature #1986: add posibility to activate pcre when cross-compiling * Feature #1989: Workaround broken operating systems - Displaying source code of php, ruby or any other file * Bug #1992: seg fault on parsing malformed mod_expires param * Bug #1999: fastcgi performance problem with large responses * Bug #2009: lighttpd 1.4 autotools build broken with BSD make