


Things i still miss in lighty ;)

Added by simonlange over 14 years ago

mod_status should also serve information of standard mods if loaded (e.g. mod_proxy mod_evasive ...)
e.g. mod_proxy:
next to the clientip a new column hostip which contains ip of the proxy host or nothing if not handled by mod_proxy.

or mod_evasive:
ips are sorted by groups showing ennumbered group-connections and showing how many connections from that ip are refused.


mod_proxy should get a new parameter allowing use of healthcare and better adjusting under which conditions which host is used.


in case it does not exist a tool which converts .htaccess rewrites and redirects to full lighty syntax. Most ppl dont migrate to lighty because juge rewrite/redirect rules in htaccess are a factor of time.


TLS SNI does not work properly. (1.4.26)
lighty always using the server.pem and not those in the host conditions. since there is no real debugging method WHY lighty does ignore the host directive pems ... well. ;)


up to that im happy with lighty performance which i use since lighty is on this world. ;)



Replies (2)

RE: Things i still miss in lighty ;) - Added by spaam over 14 years ago

about the TLS SNI thing. try using latest prerelease 1.4.27rc1. you can find a link to it on if you still have problem with it. please report back :)

RE: Things i still miss in lighty ;) - Added by simonlange over 14 years ago

well im bound to stable repository releases since we using it in a production environment.
Thats why i cannot check the prerelease version. ;)
But im going to open a support thread for it including configuration information.


