


Wiki » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (stbuehler, 2010-03-25 22:52) → Revision 2/8 (stbuehler, 2010-03-25 22:53)

h1. fcgi-cgi 

 h2. Description 

 fcgi-cgi is a FastCGI application to run normal cgi applications. It doesn't make CGI applications faster, but it allows you to run them on a different host and with different user permissions (without the need for suexec). 
 lighttpd-sandbox won't have a mod_cgi, so you need this FastCGI wrapper to be able to execute standard cgi applications like mailman and cgit. 

 nginx recommends something similar, they implemented the wrapper in Perl: 

 h2. Building 

 * [[BuildFromGit|Build [[Build from git]] git|BuildFromGit]] 

 h2. Usage 

 Examples for spawning a fcg-cgi instance with daemontools or runit: 

 # run script 

 exec spawn-fcgi -n -s /tmp/fastcgi-cgi.sock -u www-default -U www-data -- /usr/bin/fcgi-cgi 

 h2. License 

 * MIT: source:COPYING