


Docs ModProxyCore » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (jan, 2006-12-19 05:46) → Revision 16/51 (jakabosky, 2006-12-19 06:28)


 the Proxy Interface 

 Module: mod_proxy_core 

 .. contents:: Table of Contents 


 FastCGI, SCGI, HTTP, ... are doing the simple job: they forward the HTTP-request to a backend and send the response back to the server. They just use another protocol to encode the data. 

 * FastCGI was developed by and is a binary container around HTTP requests which reduces the parsing overhead. 
 * SCGI similar to HTTP and only adds a length header for the HTTP-header. says "The SCGI protocol is a replacement for the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) protocol. It is a standard for applications to interface with HTTP servers. It is similar to FastCGI but is designed to be easier to implement." 
 * for HTTP we support HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 on the backend side 
 * AJP13 is the Apache JServ Protocol version 1.3 (see, implemented by mod_jk in the apache world. 

 A small guide shall help you to choose the right protocol for your needs. 

 ======== ============= =============== ========== 
 Protocol preferred by    binary protocol keep-alive 
 ======== ============= =============== ========== 
 HTTP       mongrel         no                yes 
 SCGI       WSGI (python) not really        no 
 FastCGI    PHP, rails      yes               yes 
 AJP13      Tomcat          yes               yes don't know 
 ======== ============= =============== ========== 


 If you want to use mod-proxy-core you have to load it first. Each protocol is a module too and has to be loaded 
 after the core-module.: :: 

   server.modules = ( 
     ... ) 

 Load Balancing 

 mod-proxy-core supports 3 different load balancers: 

 * in Round Robin (round-robin) the requests are distributed equally over all backends. In our implementation we are not enforcing true round robin, but do a random selection of a backend. 
 * Shortest Queue First (sqf) is similar to round-robin and prefers the backend with the shortest wait-queue.  
 * the Cache Array Routing Protocol (carp) is a bit different as it is the only balancing protocol which improves the locality of the backends. It hashes the URL and send the same URL always to the same backend. explains the full spec. 

 Currently not implemented:  
 * sticky-session 
 * alot of the protocols 

 Fail-Over Handling 

 In case a request to the backend fails (connections refused, connection timeout, ...) the request is sent to another backend. If no backend is a available, ``504 Gateway Timeout`` is returned. 


 If your incoming requests is exceeding the number of backends you have the request is put into a backlog queue. As soon as a backend is available again the first connection from the queue is woken up and is processed.  

 In case a request is waiting for more than 10 seconds in the queue, the request is terminated and ``504 Gateway timeout`` is returned. 


   might be one of 'round-robin', 'sqf' or 'carp'. 



   might be one of 'http', 'fastcgi', 'ajp13' or 'scgi'.    Make sure you load the backend 
   modules (see mod_proxy_backend_<name>) 

   tell the module where to send Proxy requests to. 
   It is a list of hostname/ip address/unix-domain socket 

   Example: :: 

     proxy-core.backends = (  
       "",       ## IPv4 address 
       "unix:/tmp/php.socket", ## unix domain socket 
       "[::1]:80",          ## IPv6 addresss 
       ""      ## hostname, resolved at startup 

   max size for pool of connections to a single backend. 

   * for mongrel this should be 1 
   * for PHP this should match the PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN setting 
   * for WSGI it should match the number of threads of the backend 
   * for HTTP proxying it is up to you how many parallel requests you want to allow to the same backend 

   Default: 1 

   enable checking for url file in local document-root.  

   If you want to use ``index-file.names = ( "index.php" )`` you have to enable the ``proxy-core.check-local`` 

   Default: disabled 

   enables use of "X-Sendfile/X-LIGHTTPD-Sendfile/X-LIGHTTPD-send-tempfile" headers. 



   enables use of "X-Rewrite" 


   rewrite request headers or request uri. 

   rewrite response headers. 


 Using lighttpd + mod_proxy_core in front of 8 Squids which handle the  
 caching of dynamic content for you. All requests for the host should be forwarded to the proxy. All proxies 
 listen on port 80 for requests. :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_http" ) 
   $HTTP["host"] == "" { 
     proxy-core.protocol = "http" 
     proxy-core.balancer = "carp" 
     proxy-core.backends = ( "", 
                             "" ) 

 If one of the hosts goes down the all requests for this one server are  
 moved equally to the other servers. If you want to know more about 
 the algorithm used here google for 'Microsoft CARP'. 

 for php using unix-domain socket "/tmp/php-fastcgi.sock" :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_fastcgi" ) 
   $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.php$" { 
     proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin" 
     proxy-core.protocol = "fastcgi" 
     proxy-core.check-local = "enable" 
     proxy-core.allow-x-sendfile = "enable" 
     proxy-core.backends = ( "unix:/tmp/php-fastcgi.sock" ) 
     proxy-core.max-pool-size = 16 

 for SCGI :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_scgi" ) 
   $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.scgi$" { 
     proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin" 
     proxy-core.protocol = "scgi" 
     proxy-core.check-local = "enable" 
     proxy-core.allow-x-sendfile = "enable" 
     proxy-core.backends = ( "" ) 
     proxy-core.max-pool-size = 16 

 for http-proxy with host and file-extension conditionals :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_http" ) 
   $HTTP["host"] == "" { 
     proxy-core.protocol = "http" 
     proxy-core.balancer = "carp" 
     $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.php$" { 
       proxy-core.backends = ( "" ) 
     else $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.scgi$" { 
       proxy-core.backends = ( "" ) 

 Reverse-Proxying :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_http" ) 
   $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/proxyme(/|$)" { 
     proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin" 
     proxy-core.protocol = "http"  
     proxy-core.backends = ( "" ) 
     proxy-core.rewrite-response = ( 
       "Location" => ( "^*)" => "$1" ), 
     proxy-core.rewrite-request = ( 
       "_uri" => ( "^/proxyme/?(.*)" => "/$1" ), 
       "Host" => ( ".*" => "" ), 

 for proxying to Tomcat using AJP13 protocol :: 

   server.modules    += ( "mod_proxy_backend_ajp13" ) 
   $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/tomcat/" { 
     proxy-core.balancer = "round-robin" 
     proxy-core.protocol = "ajp13" 
     proxy-core.backends = ( "localhost:8009" ) 
     proxy-core.max-pool-size = 16 
