


Docs UserWrittenMods » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (gstrauss, 2020-06-02 00:43) → Revision 15/16 (gstrauss, 2022-05-12 02:35)

h1. Modules written by Lighttpd Users 


 User-contributed Here you will find a list of all available modules written by users for lighttpd. Be careful, some of them are probably still in development. 

 h4. Contemporary 

 * "mod_authn_ticket": 
 * [[lighttpd:AbsoLUAtion#Content-Negotiation|"mod_negotiation"]] - content negotiation using lua via [[lighttpd:Docs_ModMagnet|mod_magnet]] 

 h4. Ancient 

 * [[lighttpd:Docs_ModAuthTicket|mod_auth_ticket]] *DEPRECATED* 
 * [[lighttpd:Docs_ModCache|mod_cache]] 
 * mod_connect (#2060) - HTTP method: CONNECT 
 * [[lighttpd:Docs_ModMemCache|mod_mem_cache]] 
 * mod_tcpwrappers (#855) - use TCP wrappers hosts_access() to allow/deny requests 
 * mod_throttle (#208) - limit connections per IP    (see also [[lighttpd:Docs_ModEvasive|mod_evasive]]) 
 * [[lighttpd:Docs_ModUserOnline|mod_useronline]] (#840) - reports users online/active by unique IPs 
 * [[lighttpd:Docs_ModVhostDbi|mod_vhost_dbi]] (replaced by [[lighttpd:Docs_ModVhostDB|mod_vhostdb]]) 

 * [[lighttpd:AbsoLUAtion#Content-Negotiation|"mod_negotiation"]] - content negotiation using lua via [[lighttpd:Docs_ModMagnet|mod_magnet]] 
 (Alternative: reference more-limited and abandoned lighttpd 1.5.0 mod_negotiation module in commit:badc2709 in lighttpd git repo)