


HowToRewriteForPMWiki » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (Anonymous, 2008-10-04 01:25) → Revision 12/13 (Anonymous, 2012-08-11 10:42)

h2. PMWiki CleanURLs with Lighttpd 

 Rewriting for PMWiki isn't very difficult at all. 

 h3. Dedicated vhost 

 A vhost of is used in this example. Add this snippet to your lighttpd.conf, after enabling mod_rewrite.  


 $HTTP["host"] == "" {    
   index-file.names = ("pmwiki.php") 
   url.rewrite-once = ( 
     "^/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z=?0-9.&:\-_%]+)$" => "/pmwiki.php?n=$1.$2", 
     "^/([a-zA-Z0-9/]+)$" => "/pmwiki.php?n=Category.$1" 

 I have this code setup to redirect any one-level inquiries ( to Category.$1. You can change that easily, and make it $1.$1 or Main.$1, whatever you want. (_blaster8_: I have found that to make all of the links with the 'lean' skin sane, the option $1.HomePage is the best replacement for Category.$1) 

 Now, change your config variables in config.php to the following: 


 $EnablePathInfo = 1; 
 $ScriptUrl = ""; 
 $PubDirUrl = ""; 

 h3. Subdirectory 

 To set up a wiki in ` instead of @`, perform the following steps: 

 Put the following in PMWiki's @config.php@: 


 $EnablePathInfo = 1; 
 $ScriptUrl = ""; 
 $PubDirUrl = ""; 

 Put this in Lighttpd's @lighttpd.conf@: 


 url.rewrite-once = ( 
     "^/wiki/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z=?0-9.&:\-_%]+)$" => "/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=$1.$2", 
     "^/wiki/([a-zA-Z0-9/]+)$" => "/wiki/pmwiki.php?n=Category.$1" 

 Create a file called @index.php@ with the following contents in the same directory as @pmwiki.php@: 


 <?php require("pmwiki.php"); ?> 

 h3. `url.rewrite` rules 

 The regular expressions used above can also be rewritten to a single rule: 


 url.rewrite-once = ("^/([A-Z].*)" => "/pmwiki.php?n=$1") 

 This lets the @pmwiki.php@ script handle any URL that starts with a capital letter. If your wiki conforms to the _de facto_ pmwiki standards, this should be enough.