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Anonymous, 2006-12-22 11:19

= Lighty + Runit --> (almost) uninterruptible service :) =

I had some problem with lighty's stability in the past so I ended up using a simple supervisor written in shell.
I didn't need it much for a long time now, bu I thought runit would be a more elegant and robust solution than a shellscript + cron.

So here is how I got it working on Debian SID for a quick test: {{{
wajig install lighttpd
wajig install runit
This takes care of the basic config of both sw.
2. Creating the service directories and service scripts {{{
  1. mkdir -p /etc/sv/lighttpd/log/
  2. cat <<EOF >/etc/sv/lighttpd/run
    exec lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf 2>&1
    EOF #
  3. cat <<EOF >/etc/sv/lighttpd/log/run
    exec chpst -u nobody svlogd -tt /var/log/SV/
    EOF #
  4. chmod +x /etc/sv/lighttpd/run /etc/sv/lighttpd/log/run
1. Install the wanted components
}}} {{{
  1. mkdir -p /var/log/SV
  2. chown nobody /var/log/SV
    }}} {{{
  3. ln -s /etc/sv/lighttpd/ /var/service/
  4. update-rc.d -f lighttpd remove
    Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/lighttpd ...
    }}} {{{
  5. sv status lighttpd
    run: lighttpd: (pid 4979) 19s; run: log: (pid 4606) 18s #
5. Checking status

'''Notes''': Logging will be ok for a single service this way but may be problematic if you have several processes logging to the same directory.
I haven't tried it so I wouldn't know :)

It would have been nice to make it log the problems of lighty's startup over syslog but I couldn't get it working.
The line below should have taken care of it but it didn't work as expected for me. YMMV. {{{
echo "U127.0.0.1" > /var/log/SV/config

Updated by Anonymous about 18 years ago · 8 revisions