


How to set up a git server over http(s) » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (trevcan, 2022-05-13 19:46) → Revision 13/17 (gstrauss, 2022-05-13 21:05)

h1. How to set up a git server over HTTP (s) 


 One may have already set up a git server; server, it's as easy as enabling ssh on a *NIX machine. 

 *But one may have encountered* the not-so-usual situation where you're on a random network  
 and *you can't access port 22!* 

 This is a guide on how to set up a git over HTTPS server using HTTPs server. 
 The git protocol used for this will be _Smart HTTP_, refer to the "git Smart-HTTP protocol": "references": section. 

 h2. Step 1: Permissions, permissions and more permissions! 

 See: [[FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Why-do-I-get-403-Forbidden|FAQ: Why do I get 403 Forbidden?]] 

 Permissions are very important! important ! Remember that git will be performing reads and writes to directories and files! files ! Be sure to set up your user and group correctly. You may have to @chmod@ @chmod and @chown@ chown@ your git repo in order for it to be accessible to your user. *You cannot change user/group under which the lighttpd server runs.    lighttpd runs CGI programs (e.g. git) under the user/group that lighttpd runs.    (Additional configuration with helper programs -- such as "execwrap": or [[SuEXEC|suEXEC]] -- can change that, but doing so is not discussed further here). at runtime of lighttpd.* 

 h2. Step 2: Dependencies and Modules. 

 For system dependencies, you will require (of course) 
 - @git@ (make sure you have the @/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend@ binary, this should be installed by default with the git package on Arch Linux) 

 For lighttpd modules, you will require: 
 - [[Docs_ModCGI|mod_cgi]] 
 - [[Docs_ModAlias|mod_alias]] 
 - [[Docs_ModSetEnv|mod_setenv]] 
 - [[Docs_ModAuth|mod_auth]] (optional) with @mod_authn_file@. 

 h2. Step 3: Bare Minimum Config for specific repos. 

 *You must use a subdomain or another domain altogether* , else the CGI script will get confused and won't 
 be able to read the paths correctly. 

 The bare minimum to get the CGI @git-http-backend@ script working is: 
 - set the environment variable @GIT_PROJECT_ROOT@ to the parent directory of one of your git repositories. 
 - create a @git-daemon-export-ok@ file inside each git repo you'd like to make accessible. 


 server.modules += ("mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 

 $HTTP["host"] == "" { 

	 alias.url = ( "" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" ) 

	 setenv.set-environment = ( "GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git/" ) 

	 cgi.assign = ( "" => "" ) 


 the code above assumes: 
 - your domain is only used for this CGI script. 
 - @/var/www/git/@ is a directory with bare git repositories inside them. 
 - and each repository (server-side) has a @git-daemon-export-ok@ file inside it. 

 h2. Step 4: Adding automatic repo discovery 

 Ok, you've got a basic config working. Now you'd like some kind of automatic 
 discovery so that you don't have to manually add each git repo.    

 One can do this by setting the environment variable @GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL@.    Remember @GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL@: 

 @setenv.set-environment += ( "GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL" => "" )@ 

 remember that you should use the @+=@ operator when wanting to append variables. See [[Docs_ModSetEnv|mod_setenv]] 

 @setenv.set-environment += ( "GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL" => "" )@ 

 Great! Now you can clone any repo under @/var/www/git/@. 

 h2. Step 5: Adding Authentication through HTTP. 

 According to the git Smart-HTTP Smart HTTP docs, git itself does not implement any kind 
 of security. That is the job of the web server, in our case, lighttpd.    

 We can implement security by adding HTTP authentication.    

 Refer to the [[Docs_ModAuth|Mod Auth guide]].    

 The following would *only* allow *only* authenticated users to clone from and push to repositories: 

 <pre><code class="lighttpd"> 
 server.modules += ("mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 
 server.modules += ("mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") 
 # using mod auth with plain text module mod_authn_file 
 server.modules += ("mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") 
 server.modules += ("mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 


 $HTTP["host"] == "" { 

         auth.backend = "plain" 
         auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/home/www-data/user-info" 
 # password file is at /home/www-data/user-info 
 # example plain-text password file: 
 #     agent007:secret 
     auth.backend = "plain" 
     auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/home/www-data/user-info" 

     # this must be set to require auth under this domain. 

         auth.require = ( "" => ("method" => "basic", "realm" => "example", "require" => "valid-user") ) 
 # this must be set to require auth under this domain. 

     alias.url = ( "" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" ) 

     setenv.set-environment = ( "GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git/" ) 
     setenv.set-environment += ( "GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL" => "" ) 


     cgi.assign = ( "" => "" ) 



 h2. Step 5: Only allowing secure *HTTPS* connections. 

 This is easy. Just configure https as normal for your subdomain.    Then,  
 Then wrap all the code around an @$HTTP["scheme"] == "http"@ conditional and use [[Docs_ModRedirect|mod_redirect]] to [[HowToRedirectHttpToHttps|redirect http requests to https]], creating the final config: @HTTPS request @ 
 conditional, like so: 

 <pre><code class="lighttpd"> 
 # git server over HTTPS configuration for lighttpd server.modules += ("mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 
 # author: trevcan 

 server.modules += ("mod_openssl") ("mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") 
 # using mod auth with plain text module mod_authhn_file 

 $HTTP["host"] == "" { 

     $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { 
    	 ssl.engine                       = "enable" 
		 ssl.privkey                   = "/etc/keys/" 
     "/etc/keys/your-domain/privkey.pem" , 
		 ssl.pemfile                   = "/etc/keys/" 
 "/etc/keys/your-domain/fullchain.pem"    , 

	 $HTTP["scheme"] == "https" { 

      auth.backend = "plain" 
      auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/home/www-data/user-info" 

 # log CGI stderr password file is at /home/www-data/user-info 
 # example plain-text password file: 
 # agent007:secret 

     auth.require = ( "" => ("method" => "basic", "realm" => "example", "require" => "valid-user") ) 
 # this must be set to separate require auth under this domain. 

     alias.url = ( "" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" ) 

     setenv.set-environment = ( "GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git/" ) 
     setenv.set-environment += ( "GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL" => "" ) 

     cgi.assign = ( "" => "" ) 



 h2. Recommendations. 

 h3. Debugging. 

 For *CGI*, use  
 @server.breakagelog = "/var/log/lighttpd/breakage.log"@ to log stderr. 

 h2. Final config. 

 <pre><code class="lighttpd"> 

 # git server over HTTPS    configuration for lighttpd. 
 # author: trevcan 

 server.breakagelog = "/var/log/lighttpd/breakage.log "/var/log/lighttpd/breakage.log" 

 server.modules += ("mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 
 server.modules += ("mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") 
 # using mod auth with plain text module mod_authhn_file 
 server.modules += ("mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") 
 server.modules += ("mod_redirect", "mod_setenv", "mod_cgi", "mod_alias") 


 $HTTP["host"] == "" { 

     $SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { 
    	 ssl.engine                    = "enable" , 
		 ssl.privkey                   = "/etc/keys/" 
     "/etc/keys/your-domain/privkey.pem" , 
		 ssl.pemfile                   = "/etc/keys/" 

     "/etc/keys/your-domain/fullchain.pem"    , 

	 $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" "https" { 

      auth.backend = ("" => "https://${url.authority}${url.path}${qsa}") 
         url.redirect-code "plain" 
      auth.backend.plain.userfile = 308 
     } else { 

 # password file is at /home/www-data/user-info 
 # example plain-text password file: 
 #     agent007:secret 
         auth.backend = "plain" 
         auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/home/www-data/user-info" 

         # this must be set to require auth under this domain. 

     auth.require = ( "" => ("method" => "basic", "realm" => "example", "require" => "valid-user") ) 
 # this must be set to require auth under this domain. 

     alias.url = ( "" => "/usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend" ) 

     setenv.set-environment = ( "GIT_PROJECT_ROOT" => "/var/www/git/" ) 
     setenv.set-environment += ( "GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL" => "" ) 


     cgi.assign = ( "" => "" ) 



 h2. References 

 - "Smart HTTP": git documentation. 
 - [[Docs_ModAuth|Lighttpd Docs Mod Auth]]  
 - [[Docs_ModCGI|Lighttpd Docs Mod CGI]] 
 - [[Docs_ModSetEnv|Lighttpd Docs Mod SetEnv]] 
 - [[Docs_ModAlias|Lighttpd Docs Mod Alias]] 
 - [[Docs_ModRedirect|Lighttpd Docs Mod Redirect]]