


LighttpdUnderSupervise » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (zikzik, 2007-01-16 01:03) → Revision 9/11 (zikzik, 2007-01-16 01:03)

h1. = Running Lighttpd under daemontools/supervise 


 Lighttpd is well suited to run monitored by the "supervise" program from Daniel J. Bernstein's "daemontools": [ daemontools] package. 

 To set it up, you must first create a standard service directory structure. In the following example the service directory from where the process starts will be /srv/lighttpd-main/. It consists of the following directory and files: 


 /srv/lighttpd-main/             # the service directory 
 /srv/lighttpd-main/run          # the script that starts lighttpd 
 /srv/lighttpd-main/root/        # lighttpd configuration files go here 
 /srv/lighttpd-main/log/         # the service directory for the logger 
 /srv/lighttpd-main/log/run      # the script that starts the logger 
 /srv/lighttpd-main/log/main/    # log files go here 


 If you're using "Gentoo":, [ Gentoo], use /var/services instead of /srv 

 Note: the "./root/" directory is optional and could be called anything, and we use it here simply to have somewhere to put the configuration file_s_ file''s'' (we chop up the configuration into several files and use the _include_ ''include'' statement). 


 == File ./run 


 #! /bin/sh 

 exec 2>&1 
 exec lighttpd -D -f ./root/lighttpd.conf 

 h2. }}} 

 == File ./root/lighttpd.conf 


 Apart from your specific settings you probably want to include the following definitions:  


 {{{ = "./root/" 
 #server.errorlog must be NOT be set 

 h2. }}} 

 == File ./log/run 


 #! /bin/sh 

 umask 0027 
 exec setuidgid nobody multilog ./main 

 h2. }}} 

 == Directory ./log/main/ 

 The user that is specified to run multilog (_nobody_ (''nobody'' in the above example) must have write access to this directory: 


 # chown nobody ./log/main/ 



 After the configuration file is in place, just place a symlink into the svscan service directory (/service in DJB's examples): 



 # ln -s /srv/lighttpd-main /service/ 


 (Please visit "Wayne [ Wayne Marshalls overview": overview] in case you're lost at this point). 

 That's all you need to get started.  

 See also LighttpdUnderSuperviseExampleConfiguration. 


 == Runit 


 See also HowToRunLightyWithRunit 
 (for graceful restart wrapper)