


Mod access » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (gstrauss, 2016-09-11 01:11) → Revision 23/28 (gstrauss, 2017-01-10 08:26)

h1. Module mod_access 


 h2. Description 

 The access module is used to deny access to files. 

 h2. Options 

 Allow access only to files with any of given trailing path names. (since 1.4.40) 
 Default value:empty 

 Denies access to all files with any of given trailing path names.  
 Default value:empty 

 h2. Usage examples 


     url.access-allow = ( ".jpg", ".gif") 


 You might want to deny access to all files ending with a tilde (~) or .inc because of:     

 # Text editors often use a trailing tilde for backup files. 
 # And the .inc extension is often used for include files with code. 


     url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc") 


 *access.deny-all usage* 

     $PHYSICAL["path"] =~ "(~|\.inc)$" { 
         access.deny-all = "enable" 


 *Directory deny access* 

     $PHYSICAL["path"] !~ "^/srv/" { 
         access.deny-all = "enable" 


 *Directory deny access (1.4x versions)* 

     $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/libraries" { 
         url.access-deny = ("") 
