


Mod deflate » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Michael, 2006-09-14 06:17) → Revision 8/44 (Anonymous, 2006-12-03 07:34)

== mod_deflate == 

 mod_deflate is a modified version of 
 mod_compress.    mod_deflate can compress any output from lighttpd static or 
 dynamic.    It doesn't support caching compressed output like mod_compress. 

 Module options: 
 deflate.enabled = "enable" 
 deflate.compression-level = 9 
 deflate.mem-level = 9 
 deflate.window-size = 15 
 deflate.bzip2 = "enable" 
 deflate.min-compress-size = 200 
 #deflate.sync-flush = "enable" 
 #deflate.output-buffer-size = 8192 = 512 
 deflate.mimetypes = ("text/html", "text/plain") 
 #deflate.debug = "enable" 

 The sync-flush option allows dynamic scripts to flush output to the browser 
 and still use compression. 
 work-block-size is the number of kilobytes to compress at one time, it allows 
 the webserver to do other work (network I/O) in between compression. 
 min-compress-size is the smallest response size that will be compressed. 

 output-buffer-size is a per connection buffer for compressed output, it can 
 help decrease the response size(fewer chunks to encode).    If it is set to 
 zero or if sync-flush is enabled a shared buffer will be used. 

 === How to install === 
 First download the patch (download links below) and place the patch outside of the lighttpd-1.4.xx folder, then run: 
 patch -p0 < lighttpd-1.4.xx-mod_deflate.diff 
 This will patch your lighttpd-1.4.xx directory's files. Remember to change xx to the version number you are using. 

 cd lighttpd-1.4.11 
 rm -f src/ src/Makefile 
 ./configure --with-bzip2 
 make install 

 Place mod_deflate after mod_rewrite in the server.modules array in the lighttpd configuration file and enter in the mod_deflate configuration options. Remember to also enable bzip2 with the --with-bzip2 flag while doing the configure. 

 === See Also === 
 [wiki:Release-1.4.10-patches Background Information of mod_deflate]