


TutorialLighttpdAndPHP » History » Revision 37

Revision 36 (Anonymous, 2006-08-03 22:52) → Revision 37/91 (Anonymous, 2006-08-03 23:08)

= Setting up PHP with Lighttpd = 
 == Introduction == 

 Lighttpd supports PHP through both CGI and FastCGI. As the name suggests, FastCGI is preferable. 

 == Performance == 

 In all our tests it has shown better performance than Apache 1.3.x + mod_php4. See for the results. 

 == Does it support opcode cachers like APC, TurckMM, XCache and friends? == 

 YES! Even if their docs say they do not work in CGI. Under lighttpd, PHP is usually run as FastCGI which supports those opcode cachers like mod_php4 in Apache. 

  * (Successor of Turck mmCache) 
  * [/xcache XCache], [/xcache/wiki/GettingSource Installing XCache] (new, well tested, running with FastCGI) 

 (more to add) 

 You might be interested in reading the [ Support for FASTCGI mode?] thread from eAccelerator Open Discussion Forum. 

 = Installation = 

 '''Startingpoint:''' Lighttpd is already [wiki:TutorialInstallation installed and working] 

 First of all you need a PHP which is providing FastCGI support. Depending on your  
 distribution you might already have it: 
 === ArchLinux === 
 === FreeBSD === 
 $ cd /usr/ports/www/php-cgi 
 $ make install clean 
 === Gentoo === 
 Make sure the USE flag 'cgi' is enabled. 
 $ emerge -pv dev-lang/php 
 If it is not, then add it to make.conf or just to php. 
 # echo dev-lang/php cgi >> /etc/portage/package.use 
 Emerge php. 
 # emerge dev-lang/php 
 === Debian / Ubuntu === 
 Debian/Ubuntu provides a fastcgi enabled version. 
 # apt-get install php4-cgi 
 === DragonFlyBSD === 
 DragonFlyBSD uses pkgsrc to build it's packages. If you don't want IPV6 you need to use the deprecated USE_IPV6=NO. 
 # cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/php4 
 # bmake PKG_OPTIONS.php="fastcgi ssl" PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS="fastcgi ssl" install clean 
 === Others === 
 Download a source tar-ball from and configure it with at least this settings: 
 $ ./configure \ 
    --enable-fastcgi \ 
    --enable-discard-path \ 
 If you want to have the same PHP as you are using in a mod_php configuration somewhere else call 
 <?php phpinfo(); ?> 
 * copy the configure options from the output of the script 
 * remove the ``--with-apxs`` and ``--with-apxs2`` options 
 * add the three options from above. 
 Build PHP now by callings ``make`` and ``make install`` and see if you can find a php binary which is responding: 
 $ php -v 
 PHP 5.0.3 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Dec 21 2004 12:59:18) 
 Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group 
 Zend Engine v2.0.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies 
     with eAccelerator v0.9.3, Copyright (c) 2004-2005 eAccelerator, by eAccelerator 
 or something like this. The ``(cgi-fcgi)`` is the important part. The binary might also be called ``php-cgi``. 
 so do something like php-cgi -v to see the (cgi-fcgi) banner. 
 $ php-cgi -v 
 PHP 4.4.2 (cgi-fcgi) (built: Jul 21 2006 15:45:58) 
 Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group 
 Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies 

 If you still can't find it follow this hint:  
 $ ls sapi/cgi/php 
 == Configuration == 
 Add this line: 

 cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 

 to your ``php.ini``.  

 And make sure mod_fastcgi is loaded in your ``lighttpd.conf``: 
 server.modules = ( 

 Then add this basic section to the same file: 
 fastcgi.server = ( ".php" => ((  
                      "bin-path" => "/path/to/php-cgi", 
                      "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket", 

 A little bit more advance is this setting which tries the tune some more options. If you need PATH_INFO the broken-scriptfilename is  
 for you. 
 fastcgi.server = ( ".php" => ((  
                      "bin-path" => "/path/to/php-cgi", 
                      "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket", 
                      "max-procs" => 2, 
                      "bin-environment" => (  
                        "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "16", 
                        "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" => "10000" 
                      "bin-copy-environment" => ( 
                        "PATH", "SHELL", "USER" 
                      "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable" 

 If you're using any php opcode cacher, it is important to keep '''"max-procs" => 2''' low (1 or 2), unless you want to eat up so much memory. 

 Please read the configuration section for more background  
 and use 
 as starting point for the configuration. 

 == Per directory PHP Config == 
 If you're used to use Apache .htaccess files to set PHP options for each directory, see HowToPhpHtaccess : 

 ''When using a cgi version of php (plain old cgi or fast-cgi) apache can't pass 
 any php settings from htaccess files it parses. This can be solved by giving  
 each user it's own php.ini file, but I didn't like that solution. 
 This extension parses these configuration files (in most cases .htaccess) and 
 changes the settings. It will search all directories for a configuration file  
 from the docroot until the directory where the request scripts is found.'' 

 [ Download htscanner] 

 == See Also == 

  * [wiki:HowToSetupFastCgiIndividualPermissions How to setup fastcgi and php with individual permissions] 
  * [wiki:HowToInstallOnFreeBSD How to setup PHP and Lighty in FreeBSD] 
  * [wiki:fastcgi-php-starter-for-freebsd Handy External Spawning FastCGI PHP Processes in FreeBSD] 
  * [wiki:HowToFightDeepLinking Using a PHP to control remote linking] 
  * [ lighttpd php-fastcgi config with it's own php.ini]