Wiki » History » Revision 12
Revision 10 (stbuehler, 2012-10-20 11:30) → Revision 12/13 (stbuehler, 2015-05-22 16:26)
h1. Multiwatch h2. Description Multiwatch forks multiple instance of one application and keeps them running; it is made to be used with spawn-fcgi, so all forks share the same fastcgi socket (no webserver restart needed if you increase/decrease the number of forks), and it is easier than to setup multiple daemontool supervised instances. h2. Downloads * h2. Building * [[BuildFromGit|Build from git]] h2. Usage Example for spawning two rails instances: <pre> #!/bin/sh # run script exec spawn-fcgi -n -s /tmp/fastcgi-rails.sock -u www-rails -U www-data -- /usr/bin/multiwatch -f 2 -- /home/rails/public/dispatch.fcgi </pre> More details in the man page. h2. License * MIT: source:COPYING