Systemd » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (stbuehler, 2015-03-28 10:22) → Revision 3/4 (IlyaK, 2016-12-16 11:57)
h1. spawning with systemd instead of spawn-fcgi In modern Systemd that suports "StandardInput=socket" no "" is required (See Otherwise, get Get "": and install it in @/usr/local/sbin/@ (don't forget @chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/ makes sure you get exactly one socket, and moves the bound socket from file descriptor 3 (systemd socket passing standard) to file descriptor 0 (FastCGI standard). <pre> #!/bin/bash set -e if [ "${LISTEN_PID}" != $$ ]; then echo >&2 "file descriptors not for us, pid not matching: '${LISTEN_PID}' != '$$'" exit 255 fi if [ "${LISTEN_FDS}" != "1" ]; then echo >&2 "Requires exactly one socket passed to fastcgi, got: '${LISTEN_FDS:-0}'" exit 255 fi unset LISTEN_FDS # move socket from 3 to 0 exec 0<&3 exec 3<&- # spawn fastcgi backend exec "$@" </pre> Then you need to create a "socket": and a "service": file (they should have the same name apart from the extension). h2. Example Start a FastCGI application "webapp", started through @/home/webappuser/webapp/runfcgi@ (the same command you'd give spawn-fcgi), bound to socket @/run/webapp.sock@. @www-data@ is the webserver user (which needs to access the FastCGI application). @/etc/systemd/system/webapp.socket@: <pre> [Unit] Description=WebApp Listen Socket [Socket] SocketUser=www-data SocketGroup=www-data SocketMode=0600 ListenStream=/run/webapp.sock [Install] </pre> @/etc/systemd/system/webapp.service@: <pre> [Unit] Description=WebApp service postgresql.service mysql.service Wants=postgresql.service mysql.service [Service] User=webappuser Group=webappgroup StandardOutput=null StandardError=syslog ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/ /home/webappuser/webapp/runfcgi [Install] </pre> Now enable and start them: <pre> systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/webapp.socket /etc/systemd/system/webapp.service systemctl start webapp.socket webapp.service </pre>