


Customize error pages, not only 404 error.

Added by sinoptik over 12 years ago

Hi All,
I need customize 501 error pages, if i wrote in "lighttpd.conf" :

server.error-handler-404 = "/error.php" -- WORK
server.error-handler-401 = "/error.php" -- NOT WORK
server.error-handler-501 = "/error.php" -- NOT WORK

How can I do customize page with other errors, not only 404 error?

Replies (2)

RE: Customize error pages, not only 404 error. - Added by sinoptik over 12 years ago

I know about this, but this way use only static page.
I need to show my error code (for example 200 for any error).

Who can tell me how to do, to act Lighttpd my script for any errors and return my error codes.

