



Bug #1345


Wrong PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME when Request-URI have trailing slash

Added by Anonymous over 17 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:


When you make request like this: "http://hostname/script.php/somestring/" then PATH_INFO is set to "/" (in response.c con->request.pathinfo is set to "/somestring") and SCRIPT_NAME is set to "/script.php/".
But when you request script in userdir (http://hostname/~user/script.php/somestring/) then PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME is set to proper values.

In response.c after make "physical filename" we strip trailing slash from physical.path (if it exist) but it necessary only on win32.

In first case in response.c no transform is made to physical.path (response.c.480: (trace) -- logical -> physical), in second there is transform to real path and after that transform trailing slash is back to physical.path.

And after that we search for pathinfo. But in first case it's shortest that this in request (no "/") and we remove this shortest pathinfo from uri.path and we have wrong pathinfo and path to script.

Simple solution for unix/linux is to make conditional build of code that striping trailing slash (make it under win32 only).

Some traces:
Case 1:

response.c.226: (trace) -- splitting Request-URI
response.c.227: (trace) Request-URI  : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.228: (trace) URI-scheme   : http
response.c.229: (trace) URI-authority:
response.c.230: (trace) URI-path     : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.231: (trace) URI-query    : (null)
response.c.285: (trace) -- sanitizing URI
response.c.286: (trace) URI-path     : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
mod_access.c.138: (trace) -- handling file in mod_access
response.c.402: (trace) -- before doc_root
response.c.403: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.404: (trace) Rel-Path     : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.405: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.458: (trace) -- after doc_root
response.c.459: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.460: (trace) Rel-Path     : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.461: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.480: (trace) -- logical -> physical
response.c.481: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.482: (trace) Rel-Path     : /info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.483: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.501: (trace) -- handling physical path
response.c.502: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.649: (trace) -- after pathinfo check
response.c.650: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.651: (trace) URI          : /info.php/
response.c.652: (trace) Pathinfo     : /werer/wwewe
response.c.663: (trace) -- handling subrequest
response.c.664: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/

Case 2:

response.c.226: (trace) -- splitting Request-URI
response.c.227: (trace) Request-URI  : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.228: (trace) URI-scheme   : http
response.c.229: (trace) URI-authority:
response.c.230: (trace) URI-path     : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.231: (trace) URI-query    : (null)
response.c.285: (trace) -- sanitizing URI
response.c.286: (trace) URI-path     : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
mod_access.c.138: (trace) -- handling file in mod_access
response.c.402: (trace) -- before doc_root
response.c.403: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.404: (trace) Rel-Path     : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.405: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.458: (trace) -- after doc_root
response.c.459: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.460: (trace) Rel-Path     : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.461: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.480: (trace) -- logical -> physical
response.c.481: (trace) Doc-Root     : /home/users/pepe/www/
response.c.482: (trace) Rel-Path     : /~pepe/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.483: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/public_html/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.501: (trace) -- handling physical path
response.c.502: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/public_html/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.501: (trace) -- handling physical path
response.c.502: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/public_html/php/info.php/werer/wwewe/
response.c.649: (trace) -- after pathinfo check
response.c.650: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/public_html/php/info.php
response.c.651: (trace) URI          : /~pepe/php/info.php
response.c.652: (trace) Pathinfo     : /werer/wwewe/
response.c.663: (trace) -- handling subrequest
response.c.664: (trace) Path         : /home/users/pepe/public_html/php/info.php

PS. Sorry for my bad english.

-- pepe

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Bug #1087: Regression: broken physical.path handling in function handle_get_backend.ObsoleteActions
Actions #1

Updated by gstrauss over 8 years ago

  • Related to Bug #1087: Regression: broken physical.path handling in function handle_get_backend. added
Actions #2

Updated by gstrauss over 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assignee deleted (jan)
  • Priority changed from High to Normal
Actions #3

Updated by gstrauss over 8 years ago

  • Missing in 1.5.x set to Yes

FYI: in lighttpd 1.4.x, stripping trailing slash in response.c is done only for Win32 and Cygwin

Actions #4

Updated by gstrauss over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Obsolete

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