Feature #1703
closedlighttpd: dirlisting mod enhancement: listen to media content using xspf player
i've been working on some patch for the dirlisting mod for lighttpd to allow the use of a flash player (like xspf_player.swf) for playing mp3s from a listed directory.
the patch i've been working on, actually generates a playlist, this way one can either save the list and listen to the contents using a favorite player or listen to it directly in the browser with the use of a small HTML which embeds the player with the generated list.
i am using this new feature in order to listen to my music on my Wii, at work, or wherever. i'm currently using lighttpd on an ASUS wl500g Premium within optware distribution.
anyway, i was thinking that maybe somebody might be interested in this feature.
-- mirel.lazar
Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago
comment on the file goes like this:
/**- this is a dirlisting for a lighttpd plugin
- mla20071217a: listen to media content using xspf player
- config options explained:
- "dir-listing.media-activate"
- -activates the media mod;
- "dir-listing.media-image-filename"
- -specifies the image file to be used when building the XSPF list
- . use album.jpg to build dynamically based on <last dir name>.jpg
- . use folder.jpg if you have 'folder.jpg' in each folder (default)
- . use anything else
- "dir-listing.media-list-reldir"
- -directory relative to document-root where to put the lists ('/' is default)
- "dir-listing.media-player-relpath"
- -xspf player path ('/xspf_player.swf' is default)
- "dir-listing.media-player-listattr"
- -player attribute for playlist ('playlist_url=' is default)
- "dir-listing.media-player-extrattr"
- -extra player attributes (e.g. '&repeat_playlist=1&autoplay=1&autoresume=1')
- config options example:
- dir-listing.activate = "enable"
- dir-listing.hide-dotfiles = "enable"
- dir-listing.media-activate = "enable"
- dir-listing.media-image-filename = "%album%.jpg"
- dir-listing.media-list-reldir = ".lists"
- dir-listing.media-player-relpath = "xspf_player.swf"
- dir-listing.media-player-listattr = "playlist_url="
- dir-listing.media-player-extrattr = "&repeat_playlist=1&autoplay=1&autoresume=1"
-- mirel.lazar
Updated by stbuehler over 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Fixed
- Resolution set to wontfix
Just use a fastcgi script to generate such special listings (or mod_magnet).
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