Bug #3066
closedOSError in SConstruct on Alpine Linux
Installing Lighttpd from source with SCons on Alpine Linux fails when SCons searches for the available Lua versions and Lua 5.4 is not installed:
Searching for lua: lua5.4 >= 5.0 Package lua5.4 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `lua5.4.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'lua5.4', required by 'virtual:world', not found AttributeError: 'OSError' object has no attribute 'message': File "/usr/local/src/lighttpd/SConstruct", line 586: if autoconf.CheckParseConfigForLib('LIBLUA', "pkg-config '" + lua_name + " >= 5.0' --cflags --libs"): File "/usr/local/src/lighttpd/SConstruct", line 150: if not self.CheckParseConfig(*args, **kw): File "/usr/local/src/lighttpd/SConstruct", line 144: print(e.message, file=sys.stderr)
You can use the attached Dockerfile to reproduce the error.
I don't know the cause of the OSError – I guess pkg-config behaves differently on Alpine Linux than on other operating systems – but with a simple patch (see attached sconstruct-oserror.patch) I was able to install Lighttpd successfully.
- Lighttpd 1.4.58
- SCons 3.1.2
- Python 3.8.7
- pkgconf 1.7.3
- Alpine Linux 3.13
- Lua 5.3
- Docker 19.03.9
PS. Please feel free to use the patch.
Updated by elchenberg about 4 years ago
Sorry, I attached the Dockerfile that applies the patch. If you want to reproduce the error you need to remove or comment out lines 7-8.
#COPY sconstruct-oserror.patch sconstruct-oserror.patch
#RUN patch --strip=0 --input=sconstruct-oserror.patch
Updated by gstrauss about 4 years ago
- Category set to build_autotools
- Status changed from New to Patch Pending
- Target version changed from 1.4.x to 1.4.60
Thank you for the patch.
Updated by gstrauss about 4 years ago
- Status changed from Patch Pending to Fixed
Applied in changeset 165600498b07ac7cb7283fec98ae17a431d2749d.
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