



Bug #3262


Index -1 Out of Bounds Error in http_header_hkey_get Function in Lighttpd

Added by senorita about 1 month ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

Target version:


When processing malformed HTTP headers, Lighttpd crashes due to an index out-of-bounds error in the http_header_hkey_get function (http_header.c:103). This error occurs during the parsing of request headers and results in the server attempting to access an invalid array index, leading to a crash.

The problem can be reproduced by following these steps:

1. Build

git clone lighttpd1
cd lighttpd1
./ && \ 
    CFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined -g" CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined -g" ./configure --enable-static --disable-shared && \
    CFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined -g" CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=undefined" make clean all

2. Start server

/src/lighttpd -D -f lighttpd.conf -m ./src/.libs@
@server.document-root = "/tmp" 
server.bind = "" 
server.port = 80
mimetype.assign = (".txt" => "text/plain", ".html" => "text/html" )@

3.Hack, PoC:

echo "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" | xxd -r -p | nc 80

The corresponding packets are:
GET /hi HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Us cpp-httplibh.0./0.17.A

DELETE /�ello.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: chello.txturl/8.*.1
=ccept: */*



GET /hi HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Us c|p-httplibh.0./0.17.A

DELETE /hello.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: chello.txturl/8.0.1
=ccept: */*
D@ Nh.0.0.1������������c/

GET /hi H@TP/1.1
Accept: */*
Cnelose�3ost: local0
User-Actiok:nt: cpp-httplib/0.7.0

4.Then server crashes, details:

2024-09-02 08:31:43: (server.c.1948) server started (lighttpd/1.4.77-devel-lighttpd-1.4.76-36-g3bc0bc2f)                              
http_header.c:103:64: runtime error: index -1 out of bounds for type 'const keyvlenvalue [60]'                                        
    #0 0x67b660 in http_header_hkey_get lighttpd1/src/http_header.c:103:64                       
    #1 0x81213b in http_request_parse_headers lighttpd1/src/request.c:1130:39                    
    #2 0x81213b in http_request_parse_hoff lighttpd1/src/request.c:1290:14                       
    #3 0x810213 in http_request_headers_process lighttpd1/src/request.c:1326:22                  
    #4 0x524af3 in h1_recv_headers lighttpd1/src/h1.c:499:5                                      
    #5 0x50fdaa in connection_state_machine_loop lighttpd1/src/connections.c:639:9               
    #6 0x50abef in connection_state_machine lighttpd1/src/connections.c:824:9                    
    #7 0x4df06d in server_run_con_queue lighttpd1/src/server.c:2187:9                            
    #8 0x4df06d in server_main_loop lighttpd1/src/server.c:2243:3                                
    #9 0x4cc8ab in main lighttpd1/src/server.c:2347:13                                           
    #10 0x7f9a8602e082 in __libc_start_main /build/glibc-LcI20x/glibc-2.31/csu/../csu/libc-start.c:308:16                             
    #11 0x42488d in _start (lighttpd1/src/lighttpd+0x42488d)                                     

SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior http_header.c:103:64 in                                                       

Actions #1

Updated by gstrauss about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from New to Invalid
  • Target version deleted (1.4.77)

The code in http_header.c starting at line 103 does not dereference the pointer until after the condition check on the following line.

        const struct keyvlenvalue * restrict kv = http_headers + i;
        if (__builtin_expect( (i != -1), 1)) {

This smells more like a compiler bug, perhaps in issuing prefetch instructions. What compiler are you using and what version of that compiler? Have you looked at the assembly generated by the compiler for http_header_hkey_get() ?

Actions #2

Updated by senorita about 1 month ago · Edited

  • File clipboard-202409061039-kjsga.png added
Actions #3

Updated by senorita about 1 month ago · Edited

I used clang 10. The assembly generated by the compiler for http_header_hkey_get() is as follows.

$ objdump -d --disassemble=http_header_hkey_get lighttpd

lighttpd:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .init:

Disassembly of section .plt:

Disassembly of section

Disassembly of section .text:

000000000067ae40 <http_header_hkey_get>:
  67ae40:    55                       push   %rbp
  67ae41:    41 57                    push   %r15
  67ae43:    41 56                    push   %r14
  67ae45:    41 55                    push   %r13
  67ae47:    41 54                    push   %r12
  67ae49:    53                       push   %rbx
  67ae4a:    48 83 ec 18              sub    $0x18,%rsp
  67ae4e:    4c 8b 2d 8b d1 22 00     mov    0x22d18b(%rip),%r13        # 8a7fe0 <__afl_prev_loc@@Base+0x8a7f64>
  67ae55:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67ae5a:    48 8b 0d 6f 48 2f 00     mov    0x2f486f(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67ae61:    48 35 f6 94 00 00        xor    $0x94f6,%rax
  67ae67:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67ae6b:    49 89 f7                 mov    %rsi,%r15
  67ae6e:    64 41 c7 45 00 7b 4a     movl   $0x4a7b,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67ae75:    00 00
  67ae77:    48 83 fe 1b              cmp    $0x1b,%rsi
  67ae7b:    0f 87 13 06 00 00        ja     67b494 <http_header_hkey_get+0x654>
  67ae81:    48 89 fe                 mov    %rdi,%rsi
  67ae84:    48 8b 05 45 48 2f 00     mov    0x2f4845(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67ae8b:    80 80 b0 a3 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xa3b0(%rax)
  67ae92:    64 41 c7 45 00 e5 74     movl   $0x74e5,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67ae99:    00 00
  67ae9b:    48 8b 05 2e 48 2f 00     mov    0x2f482e(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67aea2:    80 80 58 f7 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xf758(%rax)
  67aea9:    64 41 c7 45 00 de 41     movl   $0x41de,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67aeb0:    00 00
  67aeb2:    bb e0 31 86 00           mov    $0x8631e0,%ebx
  67aeb7:    4c 01 fb                 add    %r15,%rbx
  67aeba:    0f 82 d4 06 00 00        jb     67b594 <http_header_hkey_get+0x754>
  67aec0:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67aec5:    48 8b 0d 04 48 2f 00     mov    0x2f4804(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67aecc:    48 35 2c 5a 00 00        xor    $0x5a2c,%rax
  67aed2:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67aed6:    64 41 c7 45 00 16 2d     movl   $0x2d16,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67aedd:    00 00
  67aedf:    48 8b 05 ea 47 2f 00     mov    0x2f47ea(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67aee6:    80 80 e2 40 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x40e2(%rax)
  67aeed:    64 41 c7 45 00 fa 36     movl   $0x36fa,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67aef4:    00 00
  67aef6:    48 89 d8                 mov    %rbx,%rax
  67aef9:    48 c1 e8 03              shr    $0x3,%rax
  67aefd:    8a 80 00 80 ff 7f        mov    0x7fff8000(%rax),%al
  67af03:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67af05:    0f 85 5f 06 00 00        jne    67b56a <http_header_hkey_get+0x72a>
  67af0b:    48 85 f6                 test   %rsi,%rsi
  67af0e:    0f 84 b4 06 00 00        je     67b5c8 <http_header_hkey_get+0x788>
  67af14:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67af19:    48 8b 0d b0 47 2f 00     mov    0x2f47b0(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67af20:    48 35 8f f3 00 00        xor    $0xf38f,%rax
  67af26:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67af2a:    64 41 c7 45 00 c7 79     movl   $0x79c7,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67af31:    00 00
  67af33:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67af38:    48 8b 0d 91 47 2f 00     mov    0x2f4791(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67af3f:    48 35 ab 70 00 00        xor    $0x70ab,%rax
  67af45:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67af49:    64 41 c7 45 00 55 38     movl   $0x3855,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67af50:    00 00
  67af52:    48 89 f0                 mov    %rsi,%rax
  67af55:    48 c1 e8 03              shr    $0x3,%rax
  67af59:    8a 80 00 80 ff 7f        mov    0x7fff8000(%rax),%al
  67af5f:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67af61:    0f 85 18 06 00 00        jne    67b57f <http_header_hkey_get+0x73f>
  67af67:    48 0f be 1b              movsbq (%rbx),%rbx
  67af6b:    44 8a 36                 mov    (%rsi),%r14b
  67af6e:    b8 fc f7 cb 0a           mov    $0xacbf7fc,%eax
  67af73:    bd fc f7 cb 0a           mov    $0xacbf7fc,%ebp
  67af78:    44 89 f9                 mov    %r15d,%ecx
  67af7b:    48 d3 ed                 shr    %cl,%rbp
  67af7e:    4c 0f a3 f8              bt     %r15,%rax
  67af82:    0f 83 b2 06 00 00        jae    67b63a <http_header_hkey_get+0x7fa>
  67af88:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67af8d:    48 8b 0d 3c 47 2f 00     mov    0x2f473c(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67af94:    48 35 a7 cd 00 00        xor    $0xcda7,%rax
  67af9a:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67af9e:    b9 40 32 86 00           mov    $0x863240,%ecx
  67afa3:    48 c1 e3 05              shl    $0x5,%rbx
  67afa7:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
  67afa9:    48 01 cb                 add    %rcx,%rbx
  67afac:    0f 92 c2                 setb   %dl
  67afaf:    31 c0                    xor    %eax,%eax
  67afb1:    48 39 cb                 cmp    %rcx,%rbx
  67afb4:    0f 93 c0                 setae  %al
  67afb7:    40 f6 c5 01              test   $0x1,%bpl
  67afbb:    64 41 c7 45 00 d3 66     movl   $0x66d3,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67afc2:    00 00
  67afc4:    0f 44 c2                 cmove  %edx,%eax
  67afc7:    48 85 db                 test   %rbx,%rbx
  67afca:    0f 84 99 06 00 00        je     67b669 <http_header_hkey_get+0x829>
  67afd0:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67afd2:    0f 84 91 06 00 00        je     67b669 <http_header_hkey_get+0x829>
  67afd8:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67afdd:    48 8b 0d ec 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f46ec(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67afe4:    48 35 0d 88 00 00        xor    $0x880d,%rax
  67afea:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67afee:    64 41 c7 45 00 06 44     movl   $0x4406,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67aff5:    00 00
  67aff7:    40 f6 c5 01              test   $0x1,%bpl
  67affb:    0f 84 4e 04 00 00        je     67b44f <http_header_hkey_get+0x60f>
  67b001:    41 80 ce 20              or     $0x20,%r14b
  67b005:    48 8d 56 01              lea    0x1(%rsi),%rdx
  67b009:    4d 8d 47 ff              lea    -0x1(%r15),%r8
  67b00d:    0f 1f 00                 nopl   (%rax)
  67b010:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b015:    48 8b 0d b4 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f46b4(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b01c:    48 35 93 df 00 00        xor    $0xdf93,%rax
  67b022:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b026:    64 41 c7 45 00 c9 6f     movl   $0x6fc9,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b02d:    00 00
  67b02f:    f6 c3 01                 test   $0x1,%bl
  67b032:    0f 85 5e 02 00 00        jne    67b296 <http_header_hkey_get+0x456>
  67b038:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b03d:    48 8b 0d 8c 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f468c(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b044:    48 35 b2 94 00 00        xor    $0x94b2,%rax
  67b04a:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b04e:    64 41 c7 45 00 59 4a     movl   $0x4a59,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b055:    00 00
  67b057:    48 8b 05 72 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f4672(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b05e:    80 80 5b 95 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x955b(%rax)
  67b065:    48 8d 6b 04              lea    0x4(%rbx),%rbp
  67b069:    64 41 c7 45 00 81 6f     movl   $0x6f81,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b070:    00 00
  67b072:    40 f6 c5 01              test   $0x1,%bpl
  67b076:    0f 85 57 02 00 00        jne    67b2d3 <http_header_hkey_get+0x493>
  67b07c:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b081:    48 8b 0d 48 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f4648(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b088:    48 35 a6 1e 00 00        xor    $0x1ea6,%rax
  67b08e:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b092:    64 41 c7 45 00 53 0f     movl   $0xf53,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b099:    00 00
  67b09b:    48 89 e8                 mov    %rbp,%rax
  67b09e:    48 c1 e8 03              shr    $0x3,%rax
  67b0a2:    0f b6 80 00 80 ff 7f     movzbl 0x7fff8000(%rax),%eax
  67b0a9:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67b0ab:    0f 85 bd 01 00 00        jne    67b26e <http_header_hkey_get+0x42e>
  67b0b1:    44 3a 73 04              cmp    0x4(%rbx),%r14b
  67b0b5:    0f 84 d6 00 00 00        je     67b191 <http_header_hkey_get+0x351>
  67b0bb:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b0c0:    48 8b 0d 09 46 2f 00     mov    0x2f4609(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b0c7:    48 35 77 81 00 00        xor    $0x8177,%rax
  67b0cd:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b0d1:    64 41 c7 45 00 bb 40     movl   $0x40bb,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b0d8:    00 00
  67b0da:    48 8d 6b 20              lea    0x20(%rbx),%rbp
  67b0de:    48 83 fb df              cmp    $0xffffffffffffffdf,%rbx
  67b0e2:    0f 87 b2 02 00 00        ja     67b39a <http_header_hkey_get+0x55a>
  67b0e8:    48 85 ed                 test   %rbp,%rbp
  67b0eb:    0f 84 a9 02 00 00        je     67b39a <http_header_hkey_get+0x55a>
  67b0f1:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b0f6:    48 8b 0d d3 45 2f 00     mov    0x2f45d3(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b0fd:    48 35 14 ee 00 00        xor    $0xee14,%rax
  67b103:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b107:    64 41 c7 45 00 0a 77     movl   $0x770a,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b10e:    00 00
  67b110:    40 f6 c5 01              test   $0x1,%bpl
  67b114:    0f 85 fa 01 00 00        jne    67b314 <http_header_hkey_get+0x4d4>
  67b11a:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b11f:    48 8b 0d aa 45 2f 00     mov    0x2f45aa(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b126:    48 35 b6 f8 00 00        xor    $0xf8b6,%rax
  67b12c:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b130:    64 41 c7 45 00 5b 7c     movl   $0x7c5b,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b137:    00 00
  67b139:    4c 8d 63 22              lea    0x22(%rbx),%r12
  67b13d:    41 f6 c4 01              test   $0x1,%r12b
  67b141:    0f 85 0e 02 00 00        jne    67b355 <http_header_hkey_get+0x515>
  67b147:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b14c:    48 8b 0d 7d 45 2f 00     mov    0x2f457d(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b153:    48 35 6c 2d 00 00        xor    $0x2d6c,%rax
  67b159:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b15d:    64 41 c7 45 00 b6 16     movl   $0x16b6,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b164:    00 00
  67b166:    4c 89 e0                 mov    %r12,%rax
  67b169:    48 c1 e8 03              shr    $0x3,%rax
  67b16d:    0f b6 80 00 80 ff 7f     movzbl 0x7fff8000(%rax),%eax
  67b174:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67b176:    0f 85 04 01 00 00        jne    67b280 <http_header_hkey_get+0x440>
  67b17c:    0f b7 43 22              movzwl 0x22(%rbx),%eax
  67b180:    48 89 eb                 mov    %rbp,%rbx
  67b183:    4c 39 f8                 cmp    %r15,%rax
  67b186:    0f 84 84 fe ff ff        je     67b010 <http_header_hkey_get+0x1d0>
  67b18c:    e9 be 02 00 00           jmpq   67b44f <http_header_hkey_get+0x60f>
  67b191:    48 8b 05 38 45 2f 00     mov    0x2f4538(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b198:    80 80 8e 0f 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xf8e(%rax)
  67b19f:    64 41 c7 45 00 6e 00     movl   $0x6e,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b1a6:    00 00
  67b1a8:    48 83 fe ff              cmp    $0xffffffffffffffff,%rsi
  67b1ac:    0f 84 2c 02 00 00        je     67b3de <http_header_hkey_get+0x59e>
  67b1b2:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b1b6:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b1bb:    48 8b 0d 0e 45 2f 00     mov    0x2f450e(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b1c2:    48 35 f7 f5 00 00        xor    $0xf5f7,%rax
  67b1c8:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b1cc:    64 41 c7 45 00 fb 7a     movl   $0x7afb,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b1d3:    00 00
  67b1d5:    48 8b 05 f4 44 2f 00     mov    0x2f44f4(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b1dc:    80 80 4f f0 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xf04f(%rax)
  67b1e3:    64 41 c7 45 00 5a 45     movl   $0x455a,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b1ea:    00 00
  67b1ec:    f6 c3 01                 test   $0x1,%bl
  67b1ef:    0f 85 25 02 00 00        jne    67b41a <http_header_hkey_get+0x5da>
  67b1f5:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b1fa:    48 8b 0d cf 44 2f 00     mov    0x2f44cf(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b201:    48 35 af 32 00 00        xor    $0x32af,%rax
  67b207:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b20b:    64 41 c7 45 00 57 19     movl   $0x1957,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b212:    00 00
  67b214:    48 8b 05 b5 44 2f 00     mov    0x2f44b5(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b21b:    80 80 99 0a 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xa99(%rax)
  67b222:    48 8d 73 05              lea    0x5(%rbx),%rsi
  67b226:    64 41 c7 45 00 e7 09     movl   $0x9e7,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b22d:    00 00
  67b22f:    48 8b 05 9a 44 2f 00     mov    0x2f449a(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b236:    80 80 40 a4 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xa440(%rax)
  67b23d:    64 41 c7 45 00 d3 56     movl   $0x56d3,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b244:    00 00
  67b246:    48 89 d7                 mov    %rdx,%rdi
  67b249:    48 89 d5                 mov    %rdx,%rbp
  67b24c:    4c 89 c2                 mov    %r8,%rdx
  67b24f:    4d 89 c4                 mov    %r8,%r12
  67b252:    e8 b9 b3 fd ff           callq  656610 <buffer_eq_icase_ssn>
  67b257:    4d 89 e0                 mov    %r12,%r8
  67b25a:    48 89 ea                 mov    %rbp,%rdx
  67b25d:    85 c0                    test   %eax,%eax
  67b25f:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b263:    0f 84 52 fe ff ff        je     67b0bb <http_header_hkey_get+0x27b>
  67b269:    e9 76 02 00 00           jmpq   67b4e4 <http_header_hkey_get+0x6a4>
  67b26e:    89 e9                    mov    %ebp,%ecx
  67b270:    80 e1 07                 and    $0x7,%cl
  67b273:    38 c1                    cmp    %al,%cl
  67b275:    0f 8c 36 fe ff ff        jl     67b0b1 <http_header_hkey_get+0x271>
  67b27b:    e9 35 04 00 00           jmpq   67b6b5 <http_header_hkey_get+0x875>
  67b280:    44 89 e1                 mov    %r12d,%ecx
  67b283:    80 e1 07                 and    $0x7,%cl
  67b286:    80 c1 01                 add    $0x1,%cl
  67b289:    38 c1                    cmp    %al,%cl
  67b28b:    0f 8c eb fe ff ff        jl     67b17c <http_header_hkey_get+0x33c>
  67b291:    e9 27 04 00 00           jmpq   67b6bd <http_header_hkey_get+0x87d>
  67b296:    48 8b 05 33 44 2f 00     mov    0x2f4433(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b29d:    80 80 df cc 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xccdf(%rax)
  67b2a4:    64 41 c7 45 00 8b 51     movl   $0x518b,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b2ab:    00 00
  67b2ad:    bf a0 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912ba0,%edi
  67b2b2:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b2b6:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b2b9:    48 89 d5                 mov    %rdx,%rbp
  67b2bc:    4d 89 c4                 mov    %r8,%r12
  67b2bf:    e8 4c c8 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b2c4:    4d 89 e0                 mov    %r12,%r8
  67b2c7:    48 89 ea                 mov    %rbp,%rdx
  67b2ca:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b2ce:    e9 65 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b038 <http_header_hkey_get+0x1f8>
  67b2d3:    48 8b 05 f6 43 2f 00     mov    0x2f43f6(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b2da:    80 80 9c c7 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xc79c(%rax)
  67b2e1:    64 41 c7 45 00 0e 54     movl   $0x540e,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b2e8:    00 00
  67b2ea:    bf c0 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912bc0,%edi
  67b2ef:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b2f3:    48 89 ee                 mov    %rbp,%rsi
  67b2f6:    49 89 d4                 mov    %rdx,%r12
  67b2f9:    4c 89 44 24 08           mov    %r8,0x8(%rsp)
  67b2fe:    e8 0d c8 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b303:    4c 8b 44 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%r8
  67b308:    4c 89 e2                 mov    %r12,%rdx
  67b30b:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b30f:    e9 68 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b07c <http_header_hkey_get+0x23c>
  67b314:    48 8b 05 b5 43 2f 00     mov    0x2f43b5(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b31b:    80 80 1a a9 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xa91a(%rax)
  67b322:    64 41 c7 45 00 08 6f     movl   $0x6f08,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b329:    00 00
  67b32b:    bf 60 2c 91 00           mov    $0x912c60,%edi
  67b330:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b334:    48 89 ee                 mov    %rbp,%rsi
  67b337:    49 89 d4                 mov    %rdx,%r12
  67b33a:    4c 89 44 24 08           mov    %r8,0x8(%rsp)
  67b33f:    e8 cc c7 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b344:    4c 8b 44 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%r8
  67b349:    4c 89 e2                 mov    %r12,%rdx
  67b34c:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b350:    e9 c5 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b11a <http_header_hkey_get+0x2da>
  67b355:    48 8b 05 74 43 2f 00     mov    0x2f4374(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b35c:    80 80 78 ad 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xad78(%rax)
  67b363:    64 41 c7 45 00 91 68     movl   $0x6891,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b36a:    00 00
  67b36c:    bf 80 2c 91 00           mov    $0x912c80,%edi
  67b371:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b375:    4c 89 e6                 mov    %r12,%rsi
  67b378:    48 89 54 24 10           mov    %rdx,0x10(%rsp)
  67b37d:    4c 89 44 24 08           mov    %r8,0x8(%rsp)
  67b382:    e8 89 c7 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b387:    4c 8b 44 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%r8
  67b38c:    48 8b 54 24 10           mov    0x10(%rsp),%rdx
  67b391:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b395:    e9 ad fd ff ff           jmpq   67b147 <http_header_hkey_get+0x307>
  67b39a:    48 8b 05 2f 43 2f 00     mov    0x2f432f(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b3a1:    80 80 55 ee 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xee55(%rax)
  67b3a8:    64 41 c7 45 00 77 57     movl   $0x5777,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b3af:    00 00
  67b3b1:    bf 50 2c 91 00           mov    $0x912c50,%edi
  67b3b6:    48 89 34 24              mov    %rsi,(%rsp)
  67b3ba:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b3bd:    48 89 54 24 10           mov    %rdx,0x10(%rsp)
  67b3c2:    48 89 ea                 mov    %rbp,%rdx
  67b3c5:    4d 89 c4                 mov    %r8,%r12
  67b3c8:    e8 23 02 e5 ff           callq  4cb5f0 <__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow>
  67b3cd:    4d 89 e0                 mov    %r12,%r8
  67b3d0:    48 8b 54 24 10           mov    0x10(%rsp),%rdx
  67b3d5:    48 8b 34 24              mov    (%rsp),%rsi
  67b3d9:    e9 13 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b0f1 <http_header_hkey_get+0x2b1>
  67b3de:    48 8b 05 eb 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f42eb(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b3e5:    80 80 1e 36 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x361e(%rax)
  67b3ec:    64 41 c7 45 00 38 1b     movl   $0x1b38,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b3f3:    00 00
  67b3f5:    bf e0 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912be0,%edi
  67b3fa:    49 89 f4                 mov    %rsi,%r12
  67b3fd:    48 89 d5                 mov    %rdx,%rbp
  67b400:    4c 89 44 24 08           mov    %r8,0x8(%rsp)
  67b405:    e8 e6 01 e5 ff           callq  4cb5f0 <__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow>
  67b40a:    4c 8b 44 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%r8
  67b40f:    48 89 ea                 mov    %rbp,%rdx
  67b412:    4c 89 e6                 mov    %r12,%rsi
  67b415:    e9 98 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b1b2 <http_header_hkey_get+0x372>
  67b41a:    48 8b 05 af 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f42af(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b421:    80 80 af 1a 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x1aaf(%rax)
  67b428:    64 41 c7 45 00 fa 2f     movl   $0x2ffa,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b42f:    00 00
  67b431:    bf f0 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912bf0,%edi
  67b436:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b439:    49 89 d4                 mov    %rdx,%r12
  67b43c:    4c 89 c5                 mov    %r8,%rbp
  67b43f:    e8 cc c6 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b444:    49 89 e8                 mov    %rbp,%r8
  67b447:    4c 89 e2                 mov    %r12,%rdx
  67b44a:    e9 a6 fd ff ff           jmpq   67b1f5 <http_header_hkey_get+0x3b5>
  67b44f:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b454:    48 8b 0d 75 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f4275(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b45b:    48 35 21 e6 00 00        xor    $0xe621,%rax
  67b461:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b465:    64 41 c7 45 00 10 73     movl   $0x7310,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b46c:    00 00
  67b46e:    b1 01                    mov    $0x1,%cl
  67b470:    64 49 63 55 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rdx
  67b475:    48 8b 35 54 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f4254(%rip),%rsi        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b47c:    48 81 f2 b3 c1 00 00     xor    $0xc1b3,%rdx
  67b483:    80 04 16 01              addb   $0x1,(%rsi,%rdx,1)
  67b487:    64 41 c7 45 00 d9 60     movl   $0x60d9,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b48e:    00 00
  67b490:    84 c9                    test   %cl,%cl
  67b492:    74 21                    je     67b4b5 <http_header_hkey_get+0x675>
  67b494:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b499:    48 8b 0d 30 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f4230(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b4a0:    48 35 1f f8 00 00        xor    $0xf81f,%rax
  67b4a6:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b4aa:    64 41 c7 45 00 0f 7c     movl   $0x7c0f,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b4b1:    00 00
  67b4b3:    31 c0                    xor    %eax,%eax
  67b4b5:    64 49 63 4d 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rcx
  67b4ba:    48 8b 15 0f 42 2f 00     mov    0x2f420f(%rip),%rdx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b4c1:    48 81 f1 fb d3 00 00     xor    $0xd3fb,%rcx
  67b4c8:    80 04 0a 01              addb   $0x1,(%rdx,%rcx,1)
  67b4cc:    64 41 c7 45 00 fd 69     movl   $0x69fd,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b4d3:    00 00
  67b4d5:    48 83 c4 18              add    $0x18,%rsp
  67b4d9:    5b                       pop    %rbx
  67b4da:    41 5c                    pop    %r12
  67b4dc:    41 5d                    pop    %r13
  67b4de:    41 5e                    pop    %r14
  67b4e0:    41 5f                    pop    %r15
  67b4e2:    5d                       pop    %rbp
  67b4e3:    c3                       retq
  67b4e4:    48 8b 05 e5 41 2f 00     mov    0x2f41e5(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b4eb:    80 80 6b 8b 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x8b6b(%rax)
  67b4f2:    64 41 c7 45 00 dc 6e     movl   $0x6edc,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b4f9:    00 00
  67b4fb:    f6 c3 01                 test   $0x1,%bl
  67b4fe:    0f 85 c1 01 00 00        jne    67b6c5 <http_header_hkey_get+0x885>
  67b504:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b509:    48 8b 0d c0 41 2f 00     mov    0x2f41c0(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b510:    48 35 ef d8 00 00        xor    $0xd8ef,%rax
  67b516:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b51a:    64 41 c7 45 00 77 6c     movl   $0x6c77,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b521:    00 00
  67b523:    f6 c3 01                 test   $0x1,%bl
  67b526:    0f 85 c2 01 00 00        jne    67b6ee <http_header_hkey_get+0x8ae>
  67b52c:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b531:    48 8b 0d 98 41 2f 00     mov    0x2f4198(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b538:    48 35 1b 95 00 00        xor    $0x951b,%rax
  67b53e:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b542:    64 41 c7 45 00 8d 4a     movl   $0x4a8d,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b549:    00 00
  67b54b:    48 89 d8                 mov    %rbx,%rax
  67b54e:    48 c1 e8 03              shr    $0x3,%rax
  67b552:    8a 80 00 80 ff 7f        mov    0x7fff8000(%rax),%al
  67b558:    84 c0                    test   %al,%al
  67b55a:    0f 85 3d 01 00 00        jne    67b69d <http_header_hkey_get+0x85d>
  67b560:    0f bf 03                 movswl (%rbx),%eax
  67b563:    31 c9                    xor    %ecx,%ecx
  67b565:    e9 06 ff ff ff           jmpq   67b470 <http_header_hkey_get+0x630>
  67b56a:    89 d9                    mov    %ebx,%ecx
  67b56c:    80 e1 07                 and    $0x7,%cl
  67b56f:    38 c1                    cmp    %al,%cl
  67b571:    0f 8c 94 f9 ff ff        jl     67af0b <http_header_hkey_get+0xcb>
  67b577:    48 89 df                 mov    %rbx,%rdi
  67b57a:    e8 61 7b e2 ff           callq  4a30e0 <__asan_report_load1>
  67b57f:    89 f1                    mov    %esi,%ecx
  67b581:    80 e1 07                 and    $0x7,%cl
  67b584:    38 c1                    cmp    %al,%cl
  67b586:    0f 8c db f9 ff ff        jl     67af67 <http_header_hkey_get+0x127>
  67b58c:    48 89 f7                 mov    %rsi,%rdi
  67b58f:    e8 4c 7b e2 ff           callq  4a30e0 <__asan_report_load1>
  67b594:    48 8b 05 35 41 2f 00     mov    0x2f4135(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b59b:    80 80 2d c1 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xc12d(%rax)
  67b5a2:    64 41 c7 45 00 79 40     movl   $0x4079,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b5a9:    00 00
  67b5ab:    bf 30 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912b30,%edi
  67b5b0:    48 89 f5                 mov    %rsi,%rbp
  67b5b3:    be e0 31 86 00           mov    $0x8631e0,%esi
  67b5b8:    48 89 da                 mov    %rbx,%rdx
  67b5bb:    e8 30 00 e5 ff           callq  4cb5f0 <__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow>
  67b5c0:    48 89 ee                 mov    %rbp,%rsi
  67b5c3:    e9 f8 f8 ff ff           jmpq   67aec0 <http_header_hkey_get+0x80>
  67b5c8:    48 8b 05 01 41 2f 00     mov    0x2f4101(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b5cf:    80 80 c1 5d 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x5dc1(%rax)
  67b5d6:    64 41 c7 45 00 9d 35     movl   $0x359d,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b5dd:    00 00
  67b5df:    bf 40 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912b40,%edi
  67b5e4:    48 89 f5                 mov    %rsi,%rbp
  67b5e7:    48 89 f2                 mov    %rsi,%rdx
  67b5ea:    e8 01 00 e5 ff           callq  4cb5f0 <__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow>
  67b5ef:    64 49 63 45 00           movslq %fs:0x0(%r13),%rax
  67b5f4:    48 8b 0d d5 40 2f 00     mov    0x2f40d5(%rip),%rcx        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b5fb:    48 35 8f f3 00 00        xor    $0xf38f,%rax
  67b601:    80 04 01 01              addb   $0x1,(%rcx,%rax,1)
  67b605:    64 41 c7 45 00 c7 79     movl   $0x79c7,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b60c:    00 00
  67b60e:    48 8b 05 bb 40 2f 00     mov    0x2f40bb(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b615:    80 80 df 95 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x95df(%rax)
  67b61c:    64 41 c7 45 00 0c 76     movl   $0x760c,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b623:    00 00
  67b625:    bf 50 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912b50,%edi
  67b62a:    48 89 ee                 mov    %rbp,%rsi
  67b62d:    e8 de c4 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b632:    48 89 ee                 mov    %rbp,%rsi
  67b635:    e9 f9 f8 ff ff           jmpq   67af33 <http_header_hkey_get+0xf3>
  67b63a:    48 8b 05 8f 40 2f 00     mov    0x2f408f(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b641:    80 80 5e 74 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0x745e(%rax)
  67b648:    64 41 c7 45 00 05 26     movl   $0x2605,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b64f:    00 00
  67b651:    bf 70 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912b70,%edi
  67b656:    49 89 f4                 mov    %rsi,%r12
  67b659:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b65c:    e8 ef e2 e4 ff           callq  4c9950 <__ubsan_handle_out_of_bounds>
  67b661:    4c 89 e6                 mov    %r12,%rsi
  67b664:    e9 1f f9 ff ff           jmpq   67af88 <http_header_hkey_get+0x148>
  67b669:    48 8b 05 60 40 2f 00     mov    0x2f4060(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b670:    80 80 a2 e9 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xe9a2(%rax)
  67b677:    64 41 c7 45 00 b8 47     movl   $0x47b8,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b67e:    00 00
  67b680:    bf 90 2b 91 00           mov    $0x912b90,%edi
  67b685:    49 89 f4                 mov    %rsi,%r12
  67b688:    be 40 32 86 00           mov    $0x863240,%esi
  67b68d:    48 89 da                 mov    %rbx,%rdx
  67b690:    e8 5b ff e4 ff           callq  4cb5f0 <__ubsan_handle_pointer_overflow>
  67b695:    4c 89 e6                 mov    %r12,%rsi
  67b698:    e9 3b f9 ff ff           jmpq   67afd8 <http_header_hkey_get+0x198>
  67b69d:    89 d9                    mov    %ebx,%ecx
  67b69f:    80 e1 07                 and    $0x7,%cl
  67b6a2:    80 c1 01                 add    $0x1,%cl
  67b6a5:    38 c1                    cmp    %al,%cl
  67b6a7:    0f 8c b3 fe ff ff        jl     67b560 <http_header_hkey_get+0x720>
  67b6ad:    48 89 df                 mov    %rbx,%rdi
  67b6b0:    e8 cb 7a e2 ff           callq  4a3180 <__asan_report_load2>
  67b6b5:    48 89 ef                 mov    %rbp,%rdi
  67b6b8:    e8 23 7a e2 ff           callq  4a30e0 <__asan_report_load1>
  67b6bd:    4c 89 e7                 mov    %r12,%rdi
  67b6c0:    e8 bb 7a e2 ff           callq  4a3180 <__asan_report_load2>
  67b6c5:    48 8b 05 04 40 2f 00     mov    0x2f4004(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b6cc:    80 80 30 b8 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xb830(%rax)
  67b6d3:    64 41 c7 45 00 76 6b     movl   $0x6b76,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b6da:    00 00
  67b6dc:    bf 10 2c 91 00           mov    $0x912c10,%edi
  67b6e1:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b6e4:    e8 27 c4 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b6e9:    e9 16 fe ff ff           jmpq   67b504 <http_header_hkey_get+0x6c4>
  67b6ee:    48 8b 05 db 3f 2f 00     mov    0x2f3fdb(%rip),%rax        # 96f6d0 <__afl_area_ptr>
  67b6f5:    80 80 d3 d5 00 00 01     addb   $0x1,0xd5d3(%rax)
  67b6fc:    64 41 c7 45 00 d2 5c     movl   $0x5cd2,%fs:0x0(%r13)
  67b703:    00 00
  67b705:    bf 30 2c 91 00           mov    $0x912c30,%edi
  67b70a:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
  67b70d:    e8 fe c3 e4 ff           callq  4c7b10 <__ubsan_handle_type_mismatch_v1>
  67b712:    e9 15 fe ff ff           jmpq   67b52c <http_header_hkey_get+0x6ec>

Disassembly of section .fini:
Actions #4

Updated by gstrauss about 1 month ago

  • File deleted (clipboard-202409061039-kjsga.png)
Actions #5

Updated by gstrauss about 1 month ago

The assembly of the code instrumented with -fsanitize=undefined is very long; I did not look through it.

The warning is not issued with gcc

$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240801 (Red Hat 14.2.1-1)

The warning is issued with clang

$ clang --version
clang version 18.1.6 (Fedora 18.1.6-3.fc40)

A simple reproducer is:

printf 'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\na:b\r\n\r\n' | nc 80

I think clang is being a bit too pedantic.

Actions #6

Updated by gstrauss about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from Invalid to Fixed
  • Target version set to 1.4.77

commit c711dcd4

The issue reported does not cause lighttpd to crash in normal operation. Clang compiling lighttpd with -fsanitize=undefined reports the warning during compilation.


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