



Bug #577


lighttpd terminally ceases serving connections when server.max-connections state reached

Added by Anonymous almost 19 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Target version:


With lighttpd 1.4.10 and server.max-connections=256 specified in lighttpd config, lighttpd ceased serving new connections (including server status page hits) when max connections was reached.

strace output of running process:

19:27:14.366461 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:15.366260 time(NULL)              = 1142134035
19:27:15.366405 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:16.366213 time(NULL)              = 1142134036
19:27:16.366365 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:17.366153 time(NULL)              = 1142134037
19:27:17.366290 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:18.366251 time(NULL)              = 1142134038
19:27:18.366433 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:19.366057 time(NULL)              = 1142134039
19:27:19.366226 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:20.365993 time(NULL)              = 1142134040
19:27:20.366137 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:21.366942 time(NULL)              = 1142134041
19:27:21.367084 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0
19:27:22.367893 time(NULL)              = 1142134042
19:27:22.368064 epoll_wait(16, {}, 4087, 1000) = 0

error log data:

2006-03-11 19:14:02: (server.c.1218) [note] sockets disabled, connection limit reached
2006-03-11 19:17:03: (server.c.1126) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 18824 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle
2006-03-11 19:17:36: (server.c.1126) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 8305 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle

Server is still listening on ports and telnet to port succeeds, but no change in activity is shown in strace output. Commands entered via telnet ("GET /") receive no response from server.

-- moorman


07_fix_fdevents.dpatch (2.31 KB) 07_fix_fdevents.dpatch stbuehler, 2007-08-24 23:49

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of Bug #1436: when server.max-connections is hit cpu load dramatically increasesFixedstbuehlerActions
Actions #1

Updated by stbuehler over 17 years ago

Still there in 1.4.16; tested on a Debian system.

I think it just increases load; if you want you can try my patch below, it did stop the epoll_wait flooding on my system.

Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

spam deleted

-- icy

Actions #3

Updated by BamaStangGuy over 17 years ago

I am running into this as well.

2007-08-28 16:18:42: (server.c.1165) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 19488 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle
2007-08-28 16:23:07: (server.c.1165) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 8576 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle
2007-08-28 16:24:22: (server.c.1165) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 8576 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle
2007-08-28 16:25:29: (server.c.1165) NOTE: a request for [omitted] timed out after writing 15008 bytes. We waited 360 seconds. If this a problem increase server.max-write-idle

Lighty Config:

server.max-keep-alive-requests = 500
server.max-keep-alive-idle = 2
server.max-read-idle = 5
server.max-write-idle = 360
server.max-fds = 8192

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I am running into this problem on 1.4.19. I have not set server.max-connections in my config file; so presumably this is defaulting to 1024. It is not a particularly busy server and is running on very capable hardware.

I'm wondering why this patch hasn't been included in the main source? Is there something wrong with it? How should I tackle this problem - just increase server.max-connections? The load on my server is never above about 0.8, is it even likely i'm reaching server.max-connections?

Actions #5

Updated by stbuehler about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Applied in changeset r2387.


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