


ApacheSubversionRecipe » History » Revision 15

Revision 14 (Anonymous, 2008-09-09 17:45) → Revision 15/16 (Anonymous, 2012-08-11 10:42)

h2. Important Warning 

 With lighttpd 1.4.18, and probably several other versions, you might not be able to commit to the repository!    You'll get errors like: 


 svn: Commit failed (details follow): 
 svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/svn/a/b/c' 
 svn: OPTIONS of '/svn/a/b/c': 200 OK ( 

 See ticket #631 for more information. 

 h2. Apache+Subversion Recipe 

 This recipe shows how to setup an example subversion repository using Apache 2.2, mod_dav_svn, and lighttpd 1.4.11. 

 We will create a subversion repository hosted at the example address: ``. 

 Before you continue, make sure you have installed: 

 * "Apache": (running at port 8080) 
 * "Subversion": (including "mod_dav_svn": 
 * "Lighttpd": 1.4.11 
 * A daemon system account with user and group id @svn@ 


 # groupadd svn 
 # useradd svn 

 h3. Create test repository 

 Create the subversion repository, and set its owner and group to @svn@: 


 # mkdir -pm700 /var/svn/ 
 # svnadmin create /var/svn/ 
 # chown -R svn:svn /var/svn/ 

 NB: This implies that you are running Apache from that user:group too. 

 h3. Setup Apache 

 Create the directory for the domain public files: 


 # mkdir -p /var/www/ 

 Setup a virtual host inside @httpd.conf@: 


 <VirtualHost *:8080> 
	 DocumentRoot /var/www/ 

	 <Location /svn/test> 
		 DAV svn 
		 SVNPath /var/svn/ 
		 AuthType Basic 
		 AuthName "Test Subversion repository" 
		 AuthUserFile /var/svn/ 
		 Require valid-user 
		 Order allow,deny 
		 Allow from all 

 Create a users database for the @example@ user: 


 # htpasswd -cm /var/svn/ example 

 Change Apache User and Group variables from: 


 User apache 
 Group apache 



 User svn 
 Group svn 

 For more information, see the "Version Control with Subversion": book chapter "httpd, the Apache HTTP server": 

 Notice: If using SSL with Lighttpd change ServerName to `` or some Subversion commands may not work. 

 h3. Setup Lighttpd 

 Setup Lighttpd to use "mod_proxy": to proxy requests to Apache at port 8080: 


 $HTTP["host"] == "" { 
	 server.document-root = "/var/www/" 
	 proxy.server = ( 
		 "/svn/test" => (("host" => "", "port" => 8080)) 

 h3. Test the setup 

 Restart Apache and Lighttpd. 

 Perform initial project import, checkout the test repository, and commit some stuff: 


 $ svn import /var/www/ file:///var/svn/ -m "Initial import" 
 $ svn checkout --username example 
 $ cd test 
 $ svn mkdir testbranches tags trunk 
 $ svn commit 

 And you should be up and running! 

 If you have any question, contact us using our "Forum":!