GSoC2008Ideas » History » Revision 17
Revision 16 (Anonymous, 2008-04-14 05:51) → Revision 17/18 (Anonymous, 2012-08-11 10:42)
h1. GSoC 2008 - Ideas Ideas for the students for "GSoC08 for lighttpd" h2. Jan * implement bayeux (cometd protocol) as described in "mod_mailbox": * implement a scoreboard to make server.max-workers a clean approach * improve the lighttpd-angel to integrate nicely with supervise and runit for graceful restarts * for 1.5.0 ** streaming upload and chunked encoding for uploads ** scalability testing for 1.5.x and its threaded backends on large-scale hardware h2. Fernando * restructure the virtual hosting system so it can accept different sources without need to implement different modules, by unifying mod_evhost, mod_mysql_vhost, mod_simple_vhost (and also adding LUA vhost) * allow LUA (through mod_magnet) to change the FastCGI backend, allowing virtual hosts to easily switch application backends * study, document and implement the best way for virtual hosting (using lighttpd) using only one lighttpd process but obeying the need for permissions per domain. h2. Kevin Worthington * improve (or overhaul) the documentation for building the 1.5 branch on Windows * continue work on the 1.5 branch to make Windows builds seamless * (these are just suggestions, and I am certainly not qualified to perform either of the above ideas.) h2. Jomu * Make mod_fastcgi multiplex requests over same connection, IE exploit CONN_MPX h2. Unassigned ** SNI support and maybe ** IDN support ** error_log per virtual domain ** what definitely is needed is a facility to easily load a list of ip-addresses that will be blocked - dynamically, of course, without manual restarting the server - to handle evil spiders, DOS etc. Every webmaster needs this. ** (Apache .htaccess compatibility) - implement -f & -d from mod_rewrite * mod_wsgi - a module geared towards wsgi, ala mod_wsgi for apache and nginx