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glen, 2009-04-27 09:13
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- mod_extforward
Module: mod_extforward
This module will extract the client's "real" IP from X-Forwarded-For header which is added by Squid or other proxies. It might be useful for servers behind reverse proxy servers.
Sets headers to search for finding the originl addresses.
Default: empty, results in searching for "X-Forwarded-For" and "Forwarded-For"
Example (for use with a Zeus ZXTM loadbalancer):
extforward.headers = ("X-Cluster-Client-Ip")
Sets trust level of proxy IP's.
Default: empty
Example of usage:
extforward.forwarder = ("" => "trust")
will translate ip addresses coming from to real ip addresses extracted from X-Forwarded-For: HTTP request header.
Important note:
The effect of this module is variable on $HTTP["remoteip"] directives and other module's remote ip dependent actions.
Things done by modules before we change the remoteip or after we reset it will match on the proxy's IP.
Things done in between these two moments will match on the real client's IP.
The moment things are done by a module depends on in which hook it does things and within the same hook
on whether they are before/after us in the module loading order
(order in the server.modules directive in the config file).
Tested behaviours:
mod_access: Will match on the real client.
mod_accesslog: In order to see the "real" ip address in access log, you'll have to load mod_extforward after mod_accesslog, like this:
server.modules = ( ..... "mod_accesslog", "mod_extforward" )
Trust proxy and
extforward.forwarder = ( "" => "trust", "" => "trust" )
Trust all proxies (NOT RECOMMENDED!)
extforward.forwarder = ( "all" => "trust")
Note that "all" has precedence over specific entries, so "all except" setups will not work.
mod_extforward is included in lighttpd 1.4.14 and later,
Changes related to mod_extforward¶
Updated by glen almost 16 years ago · 36 revisions