PoweredByLighttpd » History » Revision 370
Revision 369 (invarbrass, 2008-02-07 17:59) → Revision 370/660 (icy, 2008-02-07 18:08)
= Powered By lighttpd =
Here are some sites that are using lighttpd to serve millions of pages every day. If you run such a site, feel free to add it. Include traffic and hardware details if you so desire.
Please follow a few rules when you add your site:
* you have to control the site or have to have the permission of the owner to name it here.
* include the req/s or req/day your get and put yourself into the corresponding category.
* add yourself in **alphabetic order** based on the TLD.
== more than 100mio req/day (or 1000 req/s) ==
* http://bold.dk - The largest danish soccer community site with news, statistics and livescore. Peaks around 3000 req/s on game day.
* http://imageshack.us - huge image/video host. Uses lighttpd for serving images.
* http://fotoparked.com - İmage Host | Resim Yükle. Your image Gallery.
* http://isohunt.com/ - the most comprehensive bittorrent search engine. ~8 million unique visitors per month, 550-1300 req/s
* http://islamway.com - The most popular Islamic media web site. Its main web server and media servers are running lighttpd, ~2000 req/s
* http://www.layer-ads.de - Layer advertising, ~2500-3000 req/s (average)
* http://www.mininova.org - Number 1 torrent site, according to Alexa. ~1000-1700+ req/s.
* http://www.movieroom.com - Nine web servers using Lighttpd as a front-end to a single dedicated database/PHP server. Each lighttpd server averages 300/400rps.
* http://www.myspace.com - Using Lighttpd to serve up user's uploaded photos.
* http://www.sendspace.com - One of the most popular one-click web hosters, tens of terabytes a day. Alexa 100.
* http://www.team-ulm.de - One of the most popuplar online communities in Southern Germany. Up to 2000 requests per second.
* http://thepiratebay.org/ - One of the most popular bittorrent trackers.
* http://www.webkinz.com - Virtual pet Flash gaming portal for kids. Multiple boxes, 1000+ dynamic req/s average, more than 2500 req/s peak time.
* http://www.youtube.com - The most famous video sharing site in the world.
* http://www.zshare.net - Uses LigHTTPD for all file servers, over 2000 req/s at any given time.
* http://www.tuenti.com - Uses LigHTTPD, over 1200 req/s.
== more than 10mio req/day (or 100 req/s) ==
* http://file.lv - Latvian torrent tracker, > 70 000 users, > 30 000 unique a day. Gentoo, Lighttpd 1.5, MySQL, PHP, > 200-400 req/s.
* http://adams.co.uk - e-commerce channel of major UK childrenswear retail chain. FreeBSD, Mysql, PHP, lighty 1.4.18. > 150req/s avg.
* http://www.best-bums.com - Adult Fun site with competitions and streaming videos. Using Lighty for all FLV and thumbnail requests...
* http://www.chefkoch.de - Largest cooking page in german language. 500-1000 req/s, 2 million users, 25 million PI per month. Lighttpd on Debian.
* http://www.cpturbo.org - Number 1 torrent site in Brazil, according to Alexa.
* http://www.douban.com/ - Chinese book/movie/music/blog/events related social network site, serving 35 million hits/day (and counting) from one simple gentoo server.
* http://www.draugiem.lv - a social networking site with ~30K users online
* http://duggmirror.com - Mirror site for tech news site digg.com
* http://www.ebuyer.com - The UK's largest independent technology retailer, our image servers run Lighttpd on Debian. (100-200req/s)
* http://www.editgrid.com/ - Web 2.0 Spreadsheet application featuring real-time-update of spreadsheet data
* http://www.emedian.de - Emedian Network - Central European Hosting/Community-Company, Using Lighty now on approx. half of the Servers
* http://forums.d2jsp.org/ - Huge international gaming and trading forums - social network primarily focused around Diablo II (over 600req/s)
* http://www.frazpc.pl - Largest polish technology site, all static content done by Lighttpd 100-200req/s. Lighttpd on Debian.
* http://www.gashcamea.com - social networking website mainly for romanian users. Has english and german partial language support though. Using lighty for PHP scripts and image serving on 2 dedicated boxes.
* http://www.gesichterparty.de - German Web 2.0 community, 3.4 million users, 150 million PI per month. Lighttpd on Ubuntu.
* http://ftpserver.gnosticos.net -Gnosis On line .
* http://www.imagepile.net/ - Serving over 20 million images per day, powered by a farm of servers running Lighttpd! (200+req/s)
* http://www.imagesocket.com - Free, fast and friendly image host powered by FreeBSD, Lighttpd, MySQL and PHP.
* http://inbox.lv/ - serving 350,000 active e-mail users, as well as a banner server serving 10,000,000 banners per day.
* http://www.jeuxdecartes.net - Chat & games (french) - ~100 req/s
* http://www.lauxanh.us - Adult Website with streaming videos. Using Lighty for all flv,wmv,avi..
* http://www.meebo.com - multi-protocol web IM
* http://www.model-kartei.de - Model and Photographers community. Serving 25.000.000 req/day.
* http://itv.mop.com/ - 200 - 500 hits/s per host for static contents, like css, gif, cab and xml files.
* http://www.narutoproject.com/ - Number 1 anime site in South America. Top 100 in Brazil according to Alexa.
* http://www.nexopia.com/ - serves 35 million dynamic requests per day to an array of php servers
* http://www.olhares.com/ - Photographers online community using lighttpd as a standalone image server with 150-300 req/s.
* http://www.opensubtitles.org - DivX Subtitles open db. cca 100 req/s, FreeBSD, 2 servers yet
* http://www.osloskop.net/ - one of the largest eMule/eDonkey/Overnet sites. 100 req/s on a Celeron 2.4GHz 512MB RAM
* http://www.partys-bei-uns.de/ - Imageserver for german lifestyle-community, lighttpd on debian, peaks with 1000 req/s
* http://pingomatic.com/ - 10 million hits/day
* http://www.playahead.se - one of Sweden's most popular social-networking websites (~1000-4000 req/s). Lighttpd on Debian.
* http://www.pokebip.com/ - the most popular pokémon website in France (over 10 millions req/day) for both static and dynamic content
* http://reddit.com/ - 1000th most popular site on Alexa
* http://schlach.com - german online community with about 80,000 users and 12 million hits/day
* http://www.smileygarden.de- World Famous Smileys Community in german language. >> 200-300req/s
* http://www.social-bookmark-script.de/ - popular social bookmark script, peaks with 1100+ req/s ([http://www.social-bookmark-script.de/serverauslastung.htm stats URL]).
* http://sourceforge.net - alexa top 100
* http://www.spieleforfree.de - German Gamesite ~100 req/s
* http://www.techno4ever.net - Techno Radio Community. ~105 req/s
* http://www.torrentreactor.to - ~200 req/s
* http://tuenti.com - Social Network in Spanish - ~480 req/s
* http://untz.ca - Toronto-based community site, records 300-500 hits/s using load-balanced FastCGI.
* http://www.wat.tv - French media sharing website - 500-700 req/s
* http://zone.webgarden.cz - Czech blog/templated free web hosting. 350 req/s daily average, 5MB/s daily average. Debian etch, lighty trunk serving static content + 4x php backends.
* http://upload.wikimedia.org/ - Upload site for wikipedia, wikimedia, etc.
* http://whos.amung.us - Popular web widget >> ~800-900 req/s. Lighttpd (of-course) on Debian.
* http://wikispaces.com - large wiki farm, >> 100 req/s
* http://www.willis-witze.de - German fun-website with a lot of funny quotes and jokes
* http://www.world-of-smilies.com - Largest Smilies page in german language. 100-200 req/s, 3 million users. Lighttpd on Debian.
* http://www.yigg.de - german social news community (digg like) with 50M pageviews per month
* http://www.tamtay.vn - vietnamese social network (h5.com like) with 50M pageviews per month. Using Lighty for all FLV and image requests...
* http://www.laneros.com - Spanish technological community. Lighttpd on Debian.
* http://www.lua.pl/ - free web hosting with Email, PHP5 & MySQL5, >25000 virtual servers (phpBB2&3,PHP Fusion,Joomal etc) About 55-130 req/s. Debian + Lighttpd 1.4.18 + own modules for ads insertion & dynamic hosts
== more than 1mio req/day (or 10 req/s) ==
* http://www.2142-stats.com - BF2142 Stats page. About 40-50 req/s, up to 2M req per day. Split on 2 servers with Lighty.
* http://www.80630.com - Social networking site using Lighty as image server.
* http://www.adsxchange.lv/ - serving 1,500,000 banner exposes per day.
* http://alistapart.com/ - 1 million hits/day
* http://www.alriyadh.com/ - Largest Saudi Newspaper, ~35 req/s FreeBSD 6.1, 1GB RAM.
* http://www.animersion.net/ - Spanish BitTorrent site, ~30 req/s, 200k users. Powered by FreeBSD on a Dual Xeon.
* http://www.bagsofcrap.com - Durring sales events on another retailer, I average 50 req/s, and peak around 200+. All this on a VPS with 1.5 gig ram and 1/6 share of a dual xeon server!
* http://bash.org.pl/ - Polish funny quotes. ~35req/s
* http://www.binsearch.info/ - Usenet search engine indexing binary content. Lighttpd / PHP / custom C++ FastCGI application.
* http://www.bjork.com/ - ~2M hits/day. Lighttpd/mysql/eaccelerator/php - Dual pIII 1.27GHz/2GB ram - Zero workload.
* http://www.buzzhumor.com - Serving funny videos, and pictures updated daily. Lighttpd with mod_flv_streaming. 30-40 req/s
* http://www.caibangzi.com - Personal Investment Management Community. >3M req per day. Lighttpd 1.5 / Mongrel / Rails
* http://www.cemzoo.com - Anime and VideoGames spanish community
* http://www.cosmotourist.de and http://www.cosmotourist.com - Global Travelportal using Lighttp, fastcgi php and solr for searchindexing
* http://www.dark-future.org - A gangster MMORPG serving about 1.500.000 dynamic pages each day. (700GB/month)
* http://diginights.com - Popular Nightlife Page in South West Germany, AdServer and Images powered by lighty.
* http://www.e-frontier.com - A 3D Software Company who host a number of subsites all on lighty. (averages ~75 req/s has spiked to over 800mbit/sec of downloads upon new software releases)
* http://www.elite-electronix.com - A consumer electronics website. Using thumbnails in our wholesale section.
* http://evilpuma.com/our_sites - 50req/s Avg - We host many forums/sites that couldn't afford good hardware we see over 200req/s on this virtual machine! Debian/Vmware lighttpd 1.5 svn php-cgi w/xcache
* http://www.festzeit.ch - Local Community in Basle/Switzerland. lighty/php/apc/mysql on Dual Xeon/4GB RAM for php (800GB/month, 3.2Mpages/day). 2 machines for images, each Athlon/2GB RAM (2.3TB/month combined).
* http://www.freeshare.us - Free Image Hosting. Lighttpd/php/mysql/xcache. average 35req/s , over 3 million req/day .
* http://www.gamecenter.pl/ - MMORPG Polish forum. ~1M hits/day
* http://www.gulli.com/ - Static / image content handling
* http://www.gizmodo.com.au/ - Technology blog. Lighttpd/PHP/MySQL, Pentium D 3.00 GHz/4GB RAM, average 35-40 req/s.
* http://www.honeynova.com/ - BitTorrent minimal Index
* http://www.ichflirt.de - German Flirt Community, Debian with custom patched Lighttpd + FastCGI PHP5
* http://www.justteensite.com/ - Adult erotic site. Using Lighty for all thumbnail requests.
* http://www.torrentrealm.com/ - Private BitTorrent Tracker
* http://www.kidscottage.co.uk - Toy Store running on a FreeBSD cluster with Lighttpd, Memcached and MySQL.
* http://www.merchantcircle.com/ - US local business directory. ~2.5M hits/day.
* http://www.mijnasl.be - Large free profile page (in dutch), pushes out some 10Gb a day with peaks to 50 reqs/s, mostly static pictures
* http://mononoke-bt.org - French Anime Torrents Site ~4M req/day - Debian / Lighttpd / eAccelerator / MySQL / PHP
* http://www.morphex.eu/ - German Community running lighttpd + fast-cgi php5 on 6 servers
* http://www.nokaut.pl/ - Polish price comparison engine. ~50 req/s - Debian + Lighttpd 1.5 + PHP
* http://www.penny-arcade.com - Powered by a diskless FreeBSD 6.0 Server.
* http://www.pensieriparole.it/ - Slackware Linux / Lighttpd / MySQL / PHP / Zend Optimizer on a Supermicro server - handles ~ 1.9 million hits/day (22 req/s)
* http://www.personallifemedia.com/ - Leading lifestyle podcast site for US (west coast). CentOS Linux v5.0 / MySQL / Ruby / Rails
* http://www.pixelio.de/ - German photo community for royalty free images, Linux / LightTPD / MySQL / PHP, ~3.5M req/day, ~40 req/s
* http://www.projectwedding.com/ - Wedding community site where brides can share wedding vendor reviews - 12 req/s
* http://r4l.com - The single Hosting server for Register4less handles 15req/s (~ 1.3M req/day) using a custom Plugin for Lighty.
* http://mabul.org - Free Image Hosting - Hébergement gratuit d'images - France art reproductions and photography (Germany)
* http://www.sangetsueur.net - Online simulation game (French)
* http://www.shakiramedia.com - 15 req/s (mostly dynamic content), ~150GB/day. Debian & CentOS powered.
* http://www.spectare.de - Car groups , Debian 4.0 / Lighttpd / MySQL / Ruby
* http://www.streeteasy.com - In front of Rails farm for NYC real estate search site.
* http://www.sk-gaming.com - International eSports Community, up to 30 req/s dynamic php content (just switched from Apache to Lighttpd, everything works fine)
* http://www.top-game.net/ - flash game`s portal. ~3M hits/day
* http://www.torrentsmd.com - A BitTorrent tracker from Republic of Moldova what serve ~200.000 hits per hour, ~90 req/s
* http://torrentz.com - the best torrent indexer!
* http://web-log.nl/ - 160,000 active users and 2.8 million dynamic page views per day
* http://www.worldofcheatz.com/ - German Cheats Site ~11 req/s
* http://www.zkouknito.cz/ - Czech video streaming project , Debian 4.0 - kernel 2.6.22-2-amd64 / Apache2 + PHP -> proxy -> lighttpd 1.5 / MySQL ~ 200-400 req/s
* http://www.superstars-world.pl - polish online game, Gentoo / Lighty / PHP / MySQL - ~1 mio. reqs / day
* http://cruisersblog.de - Several sites hosted... including a debian-mirror
* http://www.mafiacrime.org/ - Web-based game, Lighttpd/PHP/MySQL, ~15 req/s
* http://www.openphrases.com/ - Free keyword analysis and suggestion, FreeBSD, Lighttpd, PHP5, MySQL, Sphinx, ~20 req/s yet
== webhosting providers ==
* http://www.cretaforce.gr - Web hosting provider located in Greece.
* http://www.leoneo.com - Web hosting provider located in China.
* http://www.edsi-tech.com - Web hosting provider located in Switzerland (used for control panel)
== Unknown ==
* http://podfiles.zdf.de/ - ZDF Podcasts/Files
* http://extremebittorrent.com/ - BitTorrent download speed enhancer, Lighty/PHP/MySQL/SQLite, ~20 req/s
== lighttpd specific ==
* http://www.lighttpd.net/ - 1-2 req/s :)
* http://wlmp.dtech.hu/?lang=en - LightTPD based Webserver Package and LightTPD webserver for Windows Systems.
* https://www.kevinworthington.com/?cat=20 - Fedora and RHEL/CentOS version of Lighttpd.
* http://www.lighty2go.com/ - A (Win32) portable LiMP Stack on a Stick...