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jan, 2006-02-08 14:23
added the 1.4.10 release

= lighttpd 1.4.10 =

Dear lighties,

Another release for lighttpd, this time more focused on getting rid of
bugs than adding new features.

Most important first: * CGI should work again * fastcgi should not result in a crash under high load * load balancing in fastcgi should work as expected * broken digest request shouldn't crash mod_auth

New stuff:

we waited for this since a long time, now we have it: {{{
fastcgi.max-extensions = ( ".php3" => ".php" )
fastcig.server = ( ".php" => ... )

Changes * added docs for mod_dirlisting * added to mod_fastcgi * fixed load balancing for mod_fastcgi * fixed extra newline for syslog() in mod_accesslog * fixed user-track cookie for IE in mod_usertrack * fixed crash in digest handling in mod_auth * fixed handling of 301 response-bodies from a mod_proxy backend * fixed loading of base modules if server.modules is not set * fixed broken cgi if mod_scgi is loaded Download * [ lighttpd-1.4.10-1.i386.rpm] [built on Fedora Core 4] * [ lighttpd-1.4.10-1.src.rpm] * [ lighttpd-1.4.10.tar.gz]

Updated by jan about 19 years ago · 6 revisions