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[Solved] Chunked-POST support
Added by tsuraan over 16 years ago
Is there a timeline for when lighttpd will support Transfer-Encoding: Chunked in HTTP POST requests? Particularly, does anybody know when this will be supported when using lighttpd as a proxy, e.g. when proxying requests to a Tomcat server?
Replies (6)
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by tsuraan over 16 years ago
Is there a better way than this forum to get hold of any lighttpd developers? I think my company might be willing to fund chunked-post development, if we can actually get in contact with any lighttpd devs...
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by icy over 16 years ago
We have no general mail address for such contact (yet), but you can join #lighttpd on (IRC) where you can nearly always catch a dev.
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by manik about 16 years ago
tsuraan wrote:
Is there a better way than this forum to get hold of any lighttpd developers? I think my company might be willing to fund chunked-post development, if we can actually get in contact with any lighttpd devs...
if you still have this requirement, please feel free to contact me at manik.taneja AT
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by darix about 16 years ago
lighttpd 1.5 does support it already. did you test it with a prerelease of 1.5 aswell?
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by ricardo over 14 years ago
Regarding to this issue and because we want to keep using lighttpd 1.4 a developer of my company wrote a patch that currently compiles in 1.4.23 and 1.4.25, and it was tested in 1.4.23.
The problem is that from time to time we get one-core cpu usage in our frontend servers, and we don't know which condition triggers it. Long time ago was discovered a couple of bugs [1]2 that produced the same effect. We have around 15 servers at month across our HTTP tier that show this problem. This is a problem that we were not able to reproduce yet, but started to happen, if I remember correctly, after we applied the patch to support chunked POST (see 98_add_chunked_support_1.4.23.diff attached below). Now, we're running out of resources to research about it, so I would like to make this patch public in order to if someone is interested, take a look, research for a while, and see what we have been done bad to trigger that 100% cpu condition.
Anyways, I would like to invite everybody to try it, improve it and if we finally find the solution, be included into the official lighttpd 1.4 branch. I'm pretty sure people would like to have this support.
98_add_chunked_support_1.4.23.diff (10.3 KB) 98_add_chunked_support_1.4.23.diff | Patch for support chunked POST in lighttpd 1.4 |
RE: Chunked-POST support - Added by gstrauss about 8 years ago
lighttpd 1.4.44 supports Transfer-Encoding: chunked for request body.