



Feature #1209


should be able to disable ETag for static files

Added by alexlehm almost 18 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

Target version:


When loadbalancing between two servers, the etags generated by the each server do not match when a file is first requested from server 1 and the checked against server 2 (this is not an issue specific to lighttpd, this happens with Apache as well).

In Apache, there is an option to disable or configure the calculation of the Etag value, as far as I can see such an option doesn't exist in lighttpd. I have simply patched the source code in mod_staticfile.c, but I would prefer to have this as an config option.


patch-try2 (4.84 KB) patch-try2 Patch which provides etag.use-inode option -- yusufg Anonymous, 2007-06-14 05:50
patch-lighty-etag-disable (6.86 KB) patch-lighty-etag-disable patch adds "static-file.etags" = "enable" | "disable" to completely disable etag -- yusufg Anonymous, 2007-06-14 10:14
patch-version4 (8.85 KB) patch-version4 adds etag.use-mtime and etag.use-size option -- yusufg Anonymous, 2007-06-14 16:02
Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

I second his request, for this and other reasons it should be possible to disable etag

Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

Attached patch provides a config option
etag.use-inode = "enable" | "disable" (default to "enable") which makes the ETag generation use the inode value or not. For running lighty in a server farm, it is recommended to use etag.use-inode = "disable"

Comments on the patch are appreciated but be gentle since its my first lighty patch

-- yusufg

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

Replying to :

Attached patch provides a config option
etag.use-inode = "enable" | "disable" (default to "enable") which makes the ETag generation use the inode value or not. For running lighty in a server farm, it is recommended to use etag.use-inode = "disable"

Comments on the patch are appreciated but be gentle since its my first lighty patch

Sorry forgot to mention that the patch is relative to 1.4.15

-- yusufg

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous almost 18 years ago

I added another option based on weigon's advice
static-file.etags = "enable" | "disable" which decides whether to have ETag generation or not

-- yusufg

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Another revision based on advice from weigon. modifies etag_create to use bitmap flags and creates
two more options etag.use-mtime and etag.use-size.

patch-version4 is relative to 1.4.15

-- yusufg

Actions #6

Updated by jan over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • Resolution set to fixed

patch applied in r1874

Actions #7

Updated by glen over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Need Feedback
  • Resolution deleted (fixed)

looks like the "disabled" value is uninitialized, as if i disable etag option i get random values for ETag. note sleep 1 is needed too.

# for a in $(seq 1 10); do wget -S -O /dev/null http://localhost/500.html 2>&1 | grep ETag; sleep 1; done
  ETag: "-7619505750001792476" 
  ETag: "8428385971843460458" 
  ETag: "4467513548741689585" 
  ETag: "-6359908640125068086" 
  ETag: "-3235648356095079770" 
  ETag: "-5187084305365983648" 
  ETag: "7644173974411994873" 
  ETag: "-4145391447258360639" 
  ETag: "-2544186891902987353" 
  ETag: "7859331811392691821" 

# lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -p|grep etag
    etag.use-inode                 = "disable" 
    etag.use-mtime                 = "enable" 
    etag.use-size                  = "enable" 

i used: .../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Glen, Thanks for the bug report. I can reproduce it but as far as I can tell, I have set etag.use-inode as T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN and initialized it to 1 (in configfile.c) so I can't figure out why the behaviour is seen. Jan, any advice ?

-- yusufg

Actions #9

Updated by darix over 17 years ago

there are 2 options enabled for the etag "backend". can you add an log message that prints out which backend was used for the etag?

Actions #10

Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

and with stat cache disabled:

# lighttpd -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -p|grep stat-cache
    server.stat-cache-engine       = "disable" 
# for a in $(seq 1 10); do wget -S -O /dev/null http://lighttpd/500.html 2>&1 | grep ETag;
  ETag: "8428385971843460458" 
  ETag: "-6359908640125068086" 
  ETag: "-5187084305365983648" 
  ETag: "-4145391447258360639" 
  ETag: "7859331811392691821" 
  ETag: "-7915964940039907874" 
  ETag: "7809521096938437145" 
  ETag: "-4080159745028840153" 
  ETag: "3126185585067023604" 
  ETag: "-7211738937683960933" 
Actions #11

Updated by darix over 17 years ago

any remaining issues here or can we mark this as done?

Actions #12

Updated by glen over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from Need Feedback to Fixed
  • Resolution set to fixed

no problems from my side :). closing

Actions #13

Updated by mamo over 17 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Need Feedback
  • Resolution deleted (fixed)

the option:

static-file.etags = "disable"

breaks mod_compress as this module uses etag when naming the compressed files

Btw. it will be very nice to get this etag patch in trunk aswell :-)

Actions #14

Updated by darix over 17 years ago

mod_compress is disabled now if no etag is found.

migration to trunk pending

Actions #15

Updated by Anonymous over 17 years ago

Why it's not recognized in 1.4.15?

lighttpd-1.4.15 - a light and fast webserver
Build-Date: Jul 20 2007 23:46:47

service lighttpd restart
2007-08-03 12:25:35: (server.c.872) WARNING: unknown config-key: static-file.etags (ignored)

Actions #16

Updated by darix over 17 years ago

this is new in 1.4.16

Actions #17

Updated by stbuehler over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Need Feedback to Fixed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Fixed in r2245, see #1442.


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