



Bug #1602


LigHTTPD 1.4.19 freezes FreeBSD

Added by Anonymous about 17 years ago. Updated about 15 years ago.

Target version:


When uploading files(php script) with size greater than 1MB, lighttpd freezes a freebsd box (i tested it only in my FreeBSD 7.0 STABLE).
Files with size lesser than 1mb are uploaded without problems.

-- todesskrahe


lighttpd_crash_on_file_upload.strace (18 KB) lighttpd_crash_on_file_upload.strace strace captured lighttpd crash -- mortengb Anonymous, 2008-06-16 12:58
Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I got this error again today, but with a 80kb file.
Only very very tiny files doesn't crash my freebsd box =[.

-- todesskrahe

Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I have experiences this several times as well

-- mgb

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I thought I should supply a bit more info
~> lighttpd -V
lighttpd-1.4.19 (ssl) - a light and fast webserver
Build-Date: Apr 5 2008 02:24:25

Event Handlers:

+ select (generic)
+ poll (Unix)
- rt-signals (Linux 2.4+)
- epoll (Linux 2.6)
- /dev/poll (Solaris)
+ kqueue (FreeBSD)

Network handler:

+ sendfile


- IPv6 support
+ zlib support
+ bzip2 support
+ crypt support
+ SSL Support
+ PCRE support
- mySQL support
- LDAP support
- memcached support
- FAM support
+ LUA support
- xml support
- SQLite support
+ GDBM suppor

I have only tested this through https( I had to disable the feature before I could do extensive testing) do to users taking down the system with their fileuploads.
If more info is needed or I can do anything to help you can contact me by email.

-- mortengb

Actions #4

Updated by admin almost 17 years ago

Does the entire operating system crash?
If so, have you reported this to FreeBSD?
Could you post the link to that bug report?

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I am having the same problem on a FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE box.

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

Replying to Olaf van der Spek:

Does the entire operating system crash?
If so, have you reported this to FreeBSD?
Could you post the link to that bug report?

- No I have not made a bug report.

The system becomes unresponsive (http|ssh(new and current sessions))
I can however still ping the machine.
I am sitting remotely and can only cut the power to make it reboot.
The freeze will happen even if uploads is disabled in php. Though I have not been able to reproduce the problem when posting a fileupload to a static html file.

I have made struss and strace outputs. but to me they are just nonsens :)
I will try to attach the strace file as it seems to have a peculiar ending.

-- mortengb

Actions #7

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

For my, lighttpd never crashed/hanged my FreeBSD 6.3 server. I had to change = "write"
so that POSTs work up to 50MB (haven't tested the maximum). Otherwise they would simply get stuck after uploading some 100kB. I'm using perl though, not php.

-- uspoerlein

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Replying to : = "write"

I have now had this setting for two days without a lockup/crash.

It seems to have done the trick.

I will keep a close eye on the system for a few days then report back.


-- mgb

Actions #9

Updated by stbuehler over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • Resolution set to invalid

If your system crashes you should report the bug for you system, not the userspace software - i don't see what we could do to fix this.

Actions #10

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

I have the same problem, with same results:

server pingable, ssh and web-server down.

nmap show port 22 and 80 open

-- chris

Actions #11

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

I found out the server had been upgraded from FBSD6 to FBSD7.
I tried reinstalling all ports suspecting some library weirdness.
When it didn't help I reinstalled the hole OS (Wintendo style fix,
but a fix non the less).

-- mortengb

Actions #12

Updated by stbuehler over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Invalid
Actions #13

Updated by init about 15 years ago

This was in fact a FreeBSD bug ( and was fixed upstream (FreeBSD svn r198853 in HEAD, and merged to RELENG_8 in FreeBSD svn r199356; and RELENG_7 in FreeBSD svn r199358).


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