


[Solved] Is it possible to invalidate mod_expire to force reload?

Added by l3u over 1 year ago

Hi all :-)

I use mod_expire to make people cache static stuff like images etc., with the following setting:

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/static/" {
    expire.url = ( "" => "access plus 1 months" )

This works fine, but the problem is that if I mess with CSS or such, the new version of the style sheet will possibly not be loaded automatically and the page will look messy. One can bypass this by force-reloading (e.g. via CTRL+F5), but some people may not know this.

Is there a way to tell a browser that it should reload the static stuff? Something I could automate, e.g. when I change something inside /static, this cache invalidation would happen, and everybody would re-fetch all static stuff?

Thanks for all help!

Replies (2)

RE: Is it possible to invalidate mod_expire to force reload? - Added by gstrauss over 1 year ago

Is there a way to tell a browser that it should reload the static stuff?

No, not for that specific resource if you already told caching proxies and browsers that they could cache that resource for 1 month.

Something I could automate, e.g. when I change something inside /static, this cache invalidation would happen, and everybody would re-fetch all static stuff?

No, not inside /static

An alternative solution is to have the .html caching for, say 1 hour, or 1/2 day. When you want to change the .css, you change the name of the .css file and update the .html file. The original .css is cacheable for 1 month and the new .css (with a different name) is cacheable for 1 month.

RE: [Solved] Is it possible to invalidate mod_expire to force reload? - Added by l3u over 1 year ago

Too bad. Thanks for the clarification anyway :-)
