


[Solved] make error on PI Bullseye for lighty 1.4.73

Added by thomas 9 months ago

hi team,

i am trying to install (according to your documentation) lighty 1.4.73 as from the PI package manager it installes lighty 1.4.58.

i am running in to the following error: make complaints it does not find pcre2-8!
i have checkd my pcre2 location (see picture) and it holds only a "pcre2-8.a" file.

how can i get autogen / make to consider the pcre2-8.a reference?

cheers & thanks in advance for any hint(s) % help

install.jpg (33.3 KB) install.jpg following this guideline
error.jpg (135 KB) error.jpg make error screen
pcre2.jpg (52 KB) pcre2.jpg PI pcre2 location and naming

Replies (4)

RE: make error on PI Bullseye for lighty 1.4.73 - Added by thomas 9 months ago

hi guys,

seems that i found out myself...
i needed to download the source pcre2-10.35 and compile it. the re-install lighttpd.
at least your make was no longer complaining...
and best of all: lighttpd -p -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf no longer comes up with a "error message that it can´t read the regex expressions

sorry, for bothering you ...

RE: make error on PI Bullseye for lighty 1.4.73 - Added by gstrauss 9 months ago

Glad you figured it out. The INSTALL file at the top of the source tree contains some hints.

RE: [Solved] make error on PI Bullseye for lighty 1.4.73 - Added by gstrauss 9 months ago

InstallFromSource contains instructions for how to build a .deb.

RE: [Solved] make error on PI Bullseye for lighty 1.4.73 - Added by thomas 9 months ago

good morning,

which i followers already in the first instance (compile failure). plus, that i found a reference on the internet for a .deb package for lighttpd devel, which i installed as well (still failure).

maybe i didn't read too well or misunderstood....

anyway, if i am allowed to do a proposal:
it should be more clearly stated / mentioned in your guidance, that pcre2 needs to be compiled first as your configure option is setting pcre as default to compile with.

adding a "prerequisites section" explaining the why (regex to work) and maybe providing the url to the pcre github page (

thanks a lot in advance for your kind consideration.
