


[Solved] SSL certificate question for website

Added by loonst 3 months ago

Hi I have a single ip apache server and I'm setting up two subdomains and

I intend to test my new site software on and then in a few days rename my test to www site ie

My question is, to test the software with ssl can I buy two different ssl certs for each subdomain and then use only one for ? I don't want to spend dough on wildcard domain as I'd would be deleting in a week or so maybe less.

Please advise. Thanks!

Replies (2)

RE: SSL certificate question for website - Added by gstrauss 3 months ago

You might be able to use a self-signed certificate for testing. See HowToSimpleSSL

If you are not able to use a self-signed certificate for testing, you might use a Let's Encrypt certificate. See HowToSimpleSSL

This question does not seem to be about lighttpd, and so is off-topic for this forum, which is a lighttpd forum. Apache-specific questions are also off-topic.

RE: [Solved] SSL certificate question for website - Added by loonst 3 months ago

thanks for the instruction
I will try for my site REMOVEDURL
