


[Solved] Question about changing .htaccess from Apache to lighty

Added by matserv22 4 months ago

Hey folks,

I am having trouble setting up opodsync for podcast syncing
In their docs they state that if not using Apache I have to change their .htaccess file, which has the following content:

# Make sure Authorization header is transmitted to PHP
SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0

RedirectMatch 404 inc/.*
RedirectMatch 404 data/.*

FallbackResource /index.php

How can I go about changing it to fit lighty?
I have been reading the docs for mod_redirect and mod_setenv, but am a bit over my head as I am just beginning to learn about webservers.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance


Replies (3)

RE: Question about changing .htaccess from Apache to lighty - Added by gstrauss 4 months ago

Please see these docs, too, and post what you have tried. I'll check back later this evening.

RE: Question about changing .htaccess from Apache to lighty - Added by gstrauss 4 months ago

If not at the document root, then you'll have to adjust the paths.

server.modules += ("mod_access", "mod_rewrite")

#RedirectMatch 404 inc/.*
#RedirectMatch 404 data/.*
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/(?:inc|data)/" {
    url.access-deny = ("")

#FallbackResource /index.php
url.rewrite-if-not-file = ("" => "/index.php")

The above does not include configuring mod_fastcgi to run index.php. Please see mod_fastcgi

RE: Question about changing .htaccess from Apache to lighty - Added by matserv22 4 months ago

Thank you very much gstrauss!

I'll look into mod_fastcgi as well.
