


[Solved] Configuration not installed when building from source?

Added by rbateman about 3 years ago

I'm building from source 1.4.59. My configuration is pretty plain-vanilla RHEL7. I'm able to get through the configure/make/make install steps OK, and I end up with an installed executable that runs after I build its configuration by hand. I'm not getting any of the configuration files installed by make install, even though I'm seeing references to sysconfdir in the makefiles. There is nothing in /usr/local/etc and there are no build errors. I have checked the last few versions and all work the same way so I assume this is not a bug. I don't see anything applicable in configure -help. What am I missing? Is there another configure or make option? Can someone post an example of this working?

Replies (5)

RE: Configuration not installed when building from source? - Added by gstrauss about 3 years ago

Each distro and each OS has their own methods and madness to service integration. Some are better than others. Some are horrid.

lighttpd provides some examples in the source tree under doc/ and you can choose what works best for you and your system.

Alternatively, you might look at the integrations offered by the lighttpd package from your distro, e.g.

lighttpd configuration itself can be extremely simple (and much, much, much, much simpler than the messes offered by most distros).
The smallest valid lighttpd configuration is one line in lighttpd.conf:
server.document-root = "/path/to/web"

RE: Configuration not installed when building from source? - Added by rbateman about 3 years ago

That makes sense about keeping the OS-specifics at arms length. I was actually using the RHEL packaging for a while, but switched to source in an effort to troubleshoot an issue I'm seeing in the packaged version. Unfortunately RHEL doesn't keep pace, so their distro is still providing 1.4.54, which is a few versions behind at this point. As far as I know, I don't have a way to leverage the RHEL packaging for my source build, so I'm doing a lot of manual work to build multiple configurations to test.

I guess I was confused by seeing makefile references to the config directory, even though populating it is not really implemented.

RE: Configuration not installed when building from source? - Added by gstrauss about 3 years ago

I would suggest that you look into rpmbuild
Here's a RedHat link to get you started:
You can take the Fedora lighttpd package and its lighttpd.spec, and build an RPM of lighttpd 1.4.59 against your RHEL7.

RE: Configuration not installed when building from source? - Added by rbateman about 3 years ago

I am familiar with rpmbuild and have made a few of my own RPMs before. I didn't want to invest in writing my own spec file, so I like your suggestion to use the Fedora version as a starting point - that should save a lot of time thanks!
