


lighttpd 2?

Added by Adz about 8 years ago

Where do i find lighttpd 2?


Replies (3)

RE: lighttpd 2? - Added by stbuehler about 8 years ago

It's not released. If you can't find it, it's not for you.

RE: lighttpd 2? - Added by Adz about 8 years ago

what you on about? i asked if where i could find it so i could test it

RE: lighttpd 2? - Added by gstrauss about 8 years ago

Adz, there is a theme in your posts: you post before attempting to use a search engine.
Please stop spewing and start attempting to answer your own questions. Kindly use a search engine and go read some of the fine documentation that is out there. (RTFM) If you have a question about a specific piece of documentation, please ask a specific question, and reference the documentation from which your question emanates.
