How does the -1 option work in lighttpd?
Added by zoolop over 4 years ago
I am using the latest version of lighttpd.
When reading the man page, it says that -1 Process single (one) request on stdin socket, then exit. I could find no documentation on how the syntax of this option is. What would be the proper syntax?
Replies (4)
RE: How does the -1 option work in lighttpd? - Added by gstrauss over 4 years ago
lighttpd -h ... -1 process single (one) request on stdin socket, then exit
What would be the proper syntax?
That's it. That's the syntax.
Focus on the words "stdin socket"
Don't multi-post for the same issue.
RE: How does the -1 option work in lighttpd? - Added by zoolop over 4 years ago
Is there any tutorial on how to do this? I am an absolute beginner to networking, etc. How would i send a request to the stdin socket? Do i create a file with the request and then pass it through the -1 parameter.
RE: How does the -1 option work in lighttpd? - Added by zoolop over 4 years ago
I read the code and found out that fd is the socket
RE: How does the -1 option work in lighttpd? - Added by gstrauss over 4 years ago
git annotate
or git log
are good places to start when you have questions.