



Feature #1841


Lighttpd mod_secdownload - option to access the content of the folders

Added by tmmous over 16 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

Target version:


It would be very nice to have a feature in mod_secdownload module that would allow access to the contents of the folder via secdownload-obfuscated URL.

The sec_download module allows to hide individual files by obfuscating the url, or individual folder. But it doesn't if you want to work with entire content of a folder, its not possible to access the files inside the folder via the parent folder "obfuscated" URL, because md5 checksum is created with the use of folder's exact name and when you are trying to access the files within that folder they are forbidden.

Maybe there is some setting or way to make the files inside folder accessible in secdownload module, that I'm not aware of?/
-This is something very useful to add!
-I think it shouldn't be difficult to change the code for the condition where it checks the MD5-checksum against the URI of files.


Actions #1

Updated by icy over 16 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (icy)
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

a) Why did you assign this ticket to me? Don't assign tickets to somebody unless you are sure he is the one that is responsible for that task.
b) Why did you set priority to high? High priority is for stuff that is important. This feature is not very important. Don't set priority to > normal unless you have reason to. Doing otherwise will not get us to implement it faster - probably the opposite.
c) You can use a fcgi/scgi/cgi script to do the directory listing and in that generate links that work with mod_secdownload

Actions #2

Updated by tmmous over 16 years ago

Thanks for the response!
Apologize for inappropriately issuing the ticket to you, I thought it's required to assign someone when creating a ticket and I just liked the name 'icy', sorry!
I will look into fcgi/scgi/cgi script to resolve the issue.

icy wrote:

a) Why did you assign this ticket to me? Don't assign tickets to somebody unless you are sure he is the one that is responsible for that task.
b) Why did you set priority to high? High priority is for stuff that is important. This feature is not very important. Don't set priority to > normal unless you have reason to. Doing otherwise will not get us to implement it faster - probably the opposite.
c) You can use a fcgi/scgi/cgi script to do the directory listing and in that generate links that work with mod_secdownload

Actions #3

Updated by gstrauss over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Missing Feedback

icy's suggested solution:

c) You can use a fcgi/scgi/cgi script to do the directory listing and in that generate links that work with mod_secdownload

Actions #4

Updated by gstrauss about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Missing Feedback to Obsolete
  • ASK QUESTIONS IN Forums set to No

mod_secdownload is no longer part of lighttpd base distribution
For replacement, see mod_magnet and lua mod_secdownload


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