Bug #2979
closedWebDAV COPY + MOVE broken / fails litmus test
WebDAV COPY and MOVE are broken, and always seem to return "400 Bad Request".
Versions: at least in 1.4.51 - 1.4.54; it worked in some earlier 1.4.xx version, but I don't know which.
litmus test details:
> running `basic': summary for `basic': of 16 tests run: 16 passed, 0 failed. 100.0%
0. init.................. pass
1. begin................. pass
2. options............... pass
3. put_get............... pass
4. put_get_utf8_segment.. pass
5. put_no_parent......... pass
6. mkcol_over_plain...... pass
7. delete................ pass
8. delete_null........... pass
9. delete_fragment....... WARNING: DELETE removed collection resource with Request-URI including fragment; unsafe
...................... pass (with 1 warning)
10. mkcol................. pass
11. mkcol_again........... pass
12. delete_coll........... pass
13. mkcol_no_parent....... pass
14. mkcol_with_body....... pass
15. finish................ pass
<> 1 warning was issued.> running `copymove':
0. init.................. pass
1. begin................. pass
2. copy_init............. pass
3. copy_simple........... FAIL (simple resource COPY:
400 Bad Request)
4. copy_overwrite........ FAIL (COPY-on-existing with 'Overwrite: F' MUST fail with 412 (RFC4918:10.6):
400 Bad Request)
5. copy_nodestcoll....... WARNING: COPY to non-existant collection '/dav/test/litmus/nonesuch' gave '400 Bad Request' not 409 (RFC2518:S8.8.5)
...................... pass (with 1 warning)
6. copy_cleanup.......... pass
7. copy_coll............. FAIL (collection COPY `/dav/test/litmus/ccsrc/' to `/dav/test/litmus/ccdest/': 400 Bad Request)
8. copy_shallow.......... FAIL (MKCOL on `/dav/test/litmus/ccsrc/': 405 Method Not Allowed)
9. move.................. FAIL (MOVE `/dav/test/litmus/move' to `/dav/test/litmus/movedest': 400 Bad Request)
10. move_coll............. FAIL (collection COPY `/dav/test/litmus/mvsrc/' to `/dav/test/litmus/mvdest2/', depth infinity: 400 Bad Request)
11. move_cleanup.......... pass
12. finish................ pass
<- summary for `copymove': of 13 tests run: 7 passed, 6 failed. 53.8%
-> 1 warning was issued.
Updated by rk over 5 years ago
Thanks for your reply. The environment was set up correctly, but unfortunately I used an old lighttpd version (1.4.52).
With 1.4.54 + the patch, it works.
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