Bug #3011
closedwebsocket support
I was using lighty 1.4.35 and had got patches to support mod_websocket.Now as i have updated openssl to 1.1.1D i need to upgrade the lighty to 1.4.45 on debian.I m facing an issue of not creating a mod_websocket.so and throws an error while running lighty as not found.
Please let me know if there is any patch file to use for supporting websockt support on 1.4.45 ?
Updated by gstrauss almost 5 years ago
- Subject changed from websockt support to websocket support
- Status changed from New to Invalid
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
This is not a bug in lighttpd. Please do not file bugs to ask for support. The Support forum (https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/boards/2) is a place to ask questions. However, before doing so, please review lighttpd documentation to see if you can answer your own question in the 6 years and 20 versions of lighttpd that have been released since lighttpd 1.4.35. The latest lighttpd is lighttpd 1.4.55.
You selected Category "mod_wstunnel" in your invalid bug report. You should read the documentation for mod_wstunnel which was released Oct 2017 in lighttpd 1.4.46.
You will not get further responses here.
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