



Bug #3186


HTTP 2 connections not properly closed

Added by gjoe about 2 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:


We discovered that HTTP 2 connections are not properly closed once they are done. We discovered this issue with a client written in Go. In our setup, this lead to a problem with Cloudflare which rejected the response.

In the network traffic we see that the Go client ( closes the connection but then still receives an additional packet afterwards. Connections to other servers behave differently.

I reproduced it in the most recent release Lighttpd 1.4.68. Here is a minimal config:

server.modules = (

server.document-root = "/var/www/" 
server.bind = "" 
ssl.engine = "enable" 
ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/certs/lighttpd.pem" 

# the bug only manifests with a redirect
url.redirect = ("^/test$" => "%0/")

Here are the steps to reproduce it on Ubuntu 22.04:

1. Install golang and lighttpd (I also reproduced it with a self-compiled 1.4.68)
2. Run Lighttpd with the config above.
3. Copy the attached script somewhere, then run:

go mod init example/hello
go get
go run test.go

The output is

Response status: 404 Not Found
2023/01/19 14:37:35 protocol error: received DATA after END_STREAM
Response status: 403 Forbidden


brokenhttp2.png (21.8 KB) brokenhttp2.png gjoe, 2023-01-19 14:30
test.go (778 Bytes) test.go gjoe, 2023-01-19 14:34
Actions #1

Updated by gstrauss about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Patch Pending
  • Target version changed from 1.4.xx to 1.4.69

Thank you very much for the very detailed bug report and reproduction instructions.

It appears that when lighttpd sends END_STREAM with HEADERS frame, the state transition was not properly marked, and so lighttpd would then send END_STREAM with a DATA frame with no content. Here is a candidate patch which avoids sending END_STREAM twice in that case.

--- a/src/h2.c
+++ b/src/h2.c
@@ -2042,6 +2042,12 @@ h2_send_hpack (request_st * const r, connection * const con, const char *data, u

     headers.u[2] = htonl(r->h2id);

+    if (flags & H2_FLAG_END_STREAM)
+        /*++r->h2state;*//*expect H2_STATE_OPEN or H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE*/
+        r->h2state = (r->h2state == H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)
+          ? H2_STATE_CLOSED
     /* similar to h2_send_data(), but unlike DATA frames there is a HEADERS
      * frame potentially followed by CONTINUATION frame(s) here, and the final
      * HEADERS or CONTINUATION frame here has END_HEADERS flag set.
@@ -2735,7 +2741,11 @@ h2_send_end_stream_data (request_st * const r, connection * const con)
 h2_send_end_stream (request_st * const r, connection * const con)
-    if (r->h2state == H2_STATE_CLOSED) return;
+    if (r->h2state == H2_STATE_CLOSED
+        || r->h2state == H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL) {
+        r->h2state = H2_STATE_CLOSED;
+        return;
+    }
     if (r->state != CON_STATE_ERROR && r->resp_body_finished) {
         if (r->gw_dechunk && r->gw_dechunk->done

Actions #2

Updated by gstrauss about 2 years ago

Modified patch

--- a/src/h2.c
+++ b/src/h2.c
@@ -2042,6 +2042,12 @@ h2_send_hpack (request_st * const r, connection * const con, const char *data, u

     headers.u[2] = htonl(r->h2id);

+    if (flags & H2_FLAG_END_STREAM)
+        /*++r->h2state;*//*expect H2_STATE_OPEN or H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE*/
+        r->h2state = (r->h2state == H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE)
+          ? H2_STATE_CLOSED
     /* similar to h2_send_data(), but unlike DATA frames there is a HEADERS
      * frame potentially followed by CONTINUATION frame(s) here, and the final
      * HEADERS or CONTINUATION frame here has END_HEADERS flag set.
@@ -2704,6 +2710,7 @@ h2_send_cqdata (request_st * const r, connection * const con, chunkqueue * const
 static void
 h2_send_end_stream_data (request_st * const r, connection * const con)
+  if (r->h2state != H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL) {
     union {
       uint8_t c[12];
       uint32_t u[3];          /*(alignment)*/
@@ -2720,6 +2727,7 @@ h2_send_end_stream_data (request_st * const r, connection * const con)
     /*(ignore window updates when sending 0-length DATA frame with END_STREAM)*/
     chunkqueue_append_mem(con->write_queue,  /*(+3 to skip over align pad)*/
                           (const char *)dataframe.c+3, sizeof(dataframe)-3);
+  }

     if (r->h2state != H2_STATE_HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE) {
         /* set timestamp for comparison; not tracking individual stream ids */

Actions #3

Updated by gstrauss about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Patch Pending to Fixed
Actions #4

Updated by gjoe about 2 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick fix!


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