Bug #929
closedmod_core_proxy with dangeous url
Hello ?I have some problem about lighty 1.5 pre_release.
I use mod_core_proxy + Mongrel Cluster for ruby on rails application.
When I type some invaild char like " or < on URL.
http://lala.abc.com/con/action/123" or
Something strange happen, the lighty's CPU usage will reach 99%.
And nothing return.
Because Safari will not auto escape the invaild url char, so this
probelm happen.
Firefox and IE will auto escape the invaild url char, so no probelm
I will check the same url with lighty 1.4.11 + fastcgi, and there are no these problem.First, I use http://lala.abc.com/con/action/123" this invaild url
connect mongrel directly.
And mongrel return connect close for some reason.
Maybe lighty 1.5 cannot find the mongrel return and boom !!And second, apache 2.2 + mod_proxy_balnacer will be ok for this invild
url request.
-- thegiive
Updated by jakabosky about 18 years ago
Please try my patch attached to ticket #922
it might fix your problem.
Updated by Anonymous about 18 years ago
I check the PRE-RELEASE: lighttpd-1.5.0-r1477.tar.gz, but still don't help any more.
-- thegiive
Updated by stbuehler about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Missing Feedback
- Pending changed from Yes to No
- Patch available set to No
Couldn't reproduce problem, so i guess it got fixed.
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