



Bug #977


BUG: High load with mod_rewrite!!

Added by Anonymous about 18 years ago. Updated over 16 years ago.

Target version:



I disovery big bug, with mod_rewrite this is my config :

If i have rewrite regule, load :

server# uptime
12:10PM  up 1 day,  1:24, 2 users, load averages: 22.27, 16.44, 10.98

13870 www         1 123    0  1045M 17640K RUN      0:02  2.64% php-cgi
13852 www         1 123    0  1046M 17812K RUN      0:02  2.58% php-cgi
13858 www         1 123    0  1044M 16716K RUN      0:02  2.58% php-cgi
13875 www         1 123    0  1045M 16176K RUN      0:02  2.48% php-cgi
13872 www         1 123    0  1045M 17196K RUN      0:02  2.48% php-cgi
13862 www         1 123    0  1045M 18440K RUN      0:02  2.43% php-cgi
13867 www         1 123    0  1045M 17016K RUN      0:02  2.37% php-cgi
13860 www         1 124    0  1044M 16852K RUN      0:02  2.37% php-cgi
13856 www         1 124    0  1045M 15512K RUN      0:02  2.32% php-cgi
13869 www         1 123    0  1045M 16688K RUN      0:02  2.32% php-cgi
13859 www         1 122    0  1045M 17012K RUN      0:02  2.32% php-cgi
13879 www         1 123    0  1044M 16296K RUN      0:02  2.32% php-cgi
13878 www         1 122    0  1045M 16864K RUN      0:02  2.27% php-cgi
13857 www         1 123    0  1045M 16176K RUN      0:02  2.27% php-cgi
13851 www         1 123    0  1045M 15344K RUN      0:02  2.21% php-cgi
13866 www         1 123    0  1046M 18476K RUN      0:02  2.21% php-cgi
13853 www         1 121    0  1045M 18220K RUN      0:02  2.21% php-cgi
13874 www         1 122    0  1045M 16592K RUN      0:02  2.21% php-cgi
13854 www         1 124    0  1045M 16936K RUN      0:02  2.21% php-cgi
13873 www         1 123    0  1046M 16756K RUN      0:02  2.16% php-cgi
13877 www         1 121    0  1045M 19268K RUN      0:02  2.16% php-cgi
13863 www         1 122    0  1045M 16944K RUN      0:02  2.11% php-cgi
13861 www         1 121    0  1045M 18408K RUN      0:02  2.11% php-cgi
13868 www         1 122    0  1045M 17944K RUN      0:02  2.06% php-cgi
13855 www         1 121    0  1045M 16684K RUN      0:02  2.00% php-cgi
13876 www         1 122    0  1045M 17140K RUN      0:02  2.00% php-cgi
13871 www         1 121    0  1045M 18364K RUN      0:02  1.95% php-cgi

Without rewrite regule :

server# uptime
12:56PM  up 1 day,  2:09, 2 users, load averages: 1.73, 1.66, 2.43

This kill me!

How to resolve the bug ?
anyone can help me and users in my position ?

Actions #1

Updated by jwmcglynn about 18 years ago

I'm guessing that the problem is due to your sitemap.* file. Without mod_rewrite sitemaps aren't fetched, and producing them takes a lot of processing power.

Have you tried removing that declaration and enabling mod_rewrite? Specifically this:

"^/forums/(sitemap.*\.(xml|txt)(\.gz)?)$" => "/forums/vbseo_sitemap/vbseo_getsitemap.php?sitemap=$1",

Actions #2

Updated by almost 18 years ago

For the record, a single process lighttpd using 100% CPU will only increase the load to 1.0. The load you are seeing is caused by your PHP processes.

Actions #3

Updated by jan almost 18 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • Resolution set to invalid

looks like this is php which causes the load. Check the accesslog and your favourite debugging tool for PHP to see why PHP generates that load.

Actions #4

Updated by stbuehler over 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Fixed to Invalid

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