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achille, 2012-08-11 10:42

Setting up Ajaxterm with Lighttpd


Ajaxterm is a web based terminal for Unix/Linux written in python.


Ajaxterm can be downloaded on the official homepage (open readme file for further steps) or installed using the package manager repositories of your distribution.

Configuration for 1.4.*


Make sure mod-proxy is loaded:

server.modules = ( "mod_proxy" )

Configure module:

proxy.server = ( "/ajaxterm/" =>
         ( "host" => "",
           "port" => 8022


#Your own proxy settings for ajaxterm

proxy.server    = ( "/cgi/ajaxterm/" =>
            ( "host" => "",
              "port" => 8022

Configuration for 1.5.*


Configure module:

server.modules  += ( "mod_proxy_backend_http" )
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/terminal/|^/term/|^/ajaxterm/" {
    proxy-core.protocol = "http" 
    proxy-core.balancer = "static" 
    proxy-core.backends = ("" )

The regex for the url will redirect /terminal/ /term/ and /ajaxterm/ to the terminal
To only catch /ajaxterm/ change it to
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/ajaxterm/" {


Finally copy all files from the downloaded package (as described in the readme) or from ''/usr/share/ajaxterm/'' (if installed via aptitude etc) to ''/YourWebRoot/ajaxterm/''. Point your browser to http://yoursite/ajaxterm/ and login. Better use SSL for security reasons.

See Also

SSL Documentation

Updated by achille over 12 years ago · 9 revisions